Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cradle to Cradle Design

Just read an introduction about a book "Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things", a 2002 book by German chemist Michael Braungart and U.S. architect William McDonough. I like this sentence "Next Industrial Revolution: 新的工業系統必須謙卑的向大自然學習,在大自然裡,根本沒有廢棄物這個概念──所有東西基本上都是養料,都可以回歸土壤。" in the article 下一波工業革命――《從搖籃到搖籃:綠色經濟的設計提案》

Cradle to Cradle Design (sometimes abbreviated to C2C or in some circles referred to as regenerative) is a biomimetic approach to the design of systems. It models human industry on nature's processes in which materials are viewed as nutrients circulating in healthy, safe metabolisms. It suggests that industry must protect and enrich ecosystems and nature's biological metabolism while also maintaining safe, productive technical metabolism for the high-quality use and circulation of organic and synthetic materials. Put simply, it is a holistic economic, industrial and social framework that seeks to create systems that are not just efficient but essentially waste free.

In the Cradle to Cradle model, all materials used in industrial or commercial processes—such as metals, fibers, dyes--are seen to fall into one of two categories: "technical" or "biological" nutrients. Technical nutrients are strictly limited to non-toxic, non-harmful synthetic materials that have no negative effects on the natural environment; they can be used in continuous cycles as the same product without losing their integrity or quality. In this manner these materials can be used over and over again instead of being "downcycled" into lesser products, ultimately becoming waste. Biological Nutrients are organic materials that, once used, can be disposed of in any natural environment and decompose into the soil, providing food for small life forms without affecting the natural environment.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Permeable Paving

Other links:
Recycled Glass Pavement Traps Pollutants (by Trey Granger, September 15th, 2009)
The Morton Arboretum in metropolitan Chicago installed a new walkway that is not only made with recycled glass, but it is also able to absorb pollutants, preventing them from washing down stormdrains.

The new surface is known as the FilterPave™ pavement system, and features as much as 90 percent recycled glass content.

FilterPave is primarily designed to absorb car fluids, such as engine oil and transmission fluid. University of Wisconsin testing showed it to absorb 15 ounces of oil per cubic foot. It also absorbs water, making the pavement cooler during the summer.

Eco Tech: FilterPave – Recycled glass pavement captures rainwater

Concrete Block Permeable Paving: Now, instead of constructing the pavement in a way that's designed to get the water off and away from the paving as quickly as possible, we deliberately send the water into the pavement structure.

The sub-base layer is intended to act as a reservoir, to provide storage for collected surface water and to release it to the natural environment at a controlled rate. The simplest model involves water accumulating within the sub-base from where it slowly seeps into the ground beneath. This is shown below....

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Small Chat about Taiwan

I was doing a lot of tissue culture work today. It is a routine work and people get sleepy easily especially after lunch. I have a small chat with my colleague from India. I don't talk political issues in the lab usually because I don't want to reveal my political viewpoint after the terrible event happened on my in May 2008. I was surprised that we talked about the relationship between Taiwan and China. I said that I don't like China because this country tries to invade Taiwan and claims to use military force to take over Taiwan if Taiwan dares to announce independence. But 2 of the biggest problems for Taiwan are (1) some Taiwanese think they are Chinese, (2) current ruling party KMT is promoting unification because they believe or they try to convince people that China is part of Taiwan. My India friend said that the first problem is bad and the second problem is very funny. Nobody in the world will think that China is part of Taiwan.

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Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel

Southern Taiwan was flooded badly due to typhoon FANAPI. I remember that I saw a TV program on Discovery channel talking about Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel (首都圏外郭放水路, しゅとけんがいかくほうすいろ) ), also known as the G-Cans Project under the Edogawa River Office, Japan. G-Cans project is an underground water infrastructure project in Kasukabe, Saitama, Japan built for preventing overflow of the city's major waterways and rivers during rain and typhoon seasons.

■総貯水量 670000m3
■最大排水機量 1秒間に200m3
■トンネル延長 6300m
■立坑サイズ 直径30m、深さ60m
■調圧水槽サイズ 長さ177m、幅78m、高さ25m

Many photos on official website by Edogawa River Office, Japan

Other links:
Tokyo’s flood control system
Tokyo flood tunnels – G-Cans project
Tokyo won't be able to cope with Katrina-like flooding

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth?

We are watching this documentary "How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? by Sir David Frederick Attenborough (BBC)" on SBS One right now. For people who couldn't watch it now, I believe you can watch it on How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? on Top Documentary Films.

In a Horizon special, naturalist Sir David Attenborough investigates whether the world is heading for a population crisis.

In his lengthy career, Sir David has watched the human population more than double from 2.5 billion in 1950 to nearly seven billion. He reflects on the profound effects of this rapid growth, both on humans and the environment.

While much of the projected growth in human population is likely to come from the developing world, it is the lifestyle enjoyed by many in the West that has the most impact on the planet. Some experts claim that in the UK consumers use as much as two and a half times their fair share of Earth's resources.

Sir David examines whether it is the duty of individuals to commit not only to smaller families, but to change the way they live for the sake of humanity and planet Earth.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

D'Aguilar National Park - Walkabout Creek

We decided to go half-day hiking every week. We won't do those difficult tracks due to my knee, but some easy to moderate ones should be OK.

Today we went to the Walkabout Creek in D'Aguilar National Park after lunch. We parked in Walkabout Creek Function Centre and took park information from information centre around 2:15 pm. We decided to hike both Corymbia circuit and Araucaria track because the track information said it will take 45 minutes and 2 hours return for each one. The Araucaria track is near the shore of Enoggera Reservoir which is nice and peaceful except there is strong herbicide smell due to some experimental weed control project.

View Larger Map

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aussie Made Aussie Grown

We tried to buy made-in-USA when we were in US. Now we are trying to buy Aussie made and Aussie grown. I think it is important to support the domestic economics whatever the country we are.

We just watched this: Foreign buyouts (by Helen Wellings, September 16, 2010, Channel 7 Today Tonight)
It's the great disappearing act. Our skills, machinery, companies, products, homes and significant parts of our land are being sold off at a rapid rate.

CUE: Cue clothing in Cue stores around Australia and in Myer

Aussie Made Aussie Grown
Buy Aussie

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dried Plum and Osteoporosis

These 2 published papers suggests that taking some (8-10) dried plum (prune) daily may reverse bone loss (Osteoporosis) and restore bone formation.

Combining Fructooligosaccharide and Dried Plum Has the Greatest Effect on Restoring Bone Mineral Density Among Select Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds, Bahram H. Arjmandi, Catherine D. Johnson, Sara C. Campbell, Shirin Hooshmand, Sheau C. Chai, Mohammed P. Akhter. Journal of Medicinal Food. April 2010, 13(2): 312-319.

Viewpoint: Dried plum, an emerging functional food that may effectively improve bone health, Shirin Hooshmanda and Bahram H. Arjmandi, Ageing Research Reviews 8(2): 122-127 (April 2009).

Combining Fructooligosaccharide and Dried Plum Has the Greatest Effect on Restoring Bone Mineral Density Among Select Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds, Bahram H. Arjmandi, Catherine D. Johnson, Sara C. Campbell, Shirin Hooshmand, Sheau C. Chai, Mohammed P. Akhter. Journal of Medicinal Food. April 2010, 13(2): 312-319.
The objective of the present study was to determine the extent to which certain functional foods as (1) whole, e.g., dried plum (DP), figs, dates, raisin, and blueberry, (2) fractionated, e.g., DP puree, DP juice, and DP pulp/skin, or (3) isolated, e.g., DP polyphenols, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate, forms reverse bone loss in an ovariectomized (Ovx) rat model of osteoporosis. ...Although other treatments were good at altering some bone parameters, none had the success in altering several bone health indicators as the diets supplemented with 5% FOS+7.5% DP. The findings of this study suggest the combination of 5% FOS+7.5% DP is capable of reversing Ovx-induced bone loss.

Viewpoint: Dried plum, an emerging functional food that may effectively improve bone health, Shirin Hooshmanda and Bahram H. Arjmandi, Ageing Research Reviews 8(2): 122-127 (April 2009).
Osteoporosis is a debilitating disorder that affects both female and male, albeit to a greater extent in women than men. ....In addition to the animal studies, our 3-month clinical trial indicated that the consumption of dried plum daily by postmenopausal women significantly increased serum markers of bone formation, total alkaline phosphatase, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and insulin-like growth factor-I by 12, 6, and 17%, respectively. This review summarizes the findings of studies published to date which examine the beneficial effects of dried plum on bone in both female and male animal models of osteoporosis as well as the only published clinical study.


遠道來自美國佛羅裏達州立大學的 Dr. Bahram Arjmandi(他是該校食品營養與運動科學系系主任)是全世界知名的骨研究 (bone study) 專家,一直致力 在尋找可以預防/舒緩骨質疏鬆 (osteoporosis) 和骨關節炎(osteoarthritis)的天然食物。當 天他在會中報告了他以[黑棗乾](也被稱為加州梅(prune) 所做的實驗,讓人驚詫不已。

我從來沒想過, 原來我常拿來加在燕麥粥和喜瑞 爾內的黑棗乾不但是高纖維和高抗氧化力食物,它還是個可以協助預防和逆轉骨質疏鬆的神奇食物(miraclefood)!

Dr. Arjmandi 以已停經的婦女所做的臨床試驗顯示:

1.每天8-10顆 的黑棗乾可以比荷爾蒙療法和其 它藥物更有效的減少骨質流失(但前提是每天要攝取足夠的鈣 和維生素D),並更有效的的「重建」(restore)已 疏鬆骨頭的健康。(不過未被加工製 成乾的新鮮黑棗並無此功效)

2.每天8-10顆的黑棗乾讓受試者在90天 試驗期內減了好幾磅的重量。(但吃黑棗乾時要 搭配喝水,讓黑棗乾內的纖維吸水,在胃中膨脹,產生飽足感,壓抑食慾)

Dr. Arjmandi的實驗結果已刊登在世界權威的學術期刊,所以黑棗乾神奇的生理功效是有紮實的科學證據,並非憑空瞎掰的。Dr. Arjmandi發現黑棗乾抗骨質流失的機制與它超高的抗氧化力有關,雖然會議當天他詳細說明瞭生化機制,但在這兒我就不寫出來了,免得大家嫌枯燥。

因為纖維含量高,黑棗乾和黑棗汁都被美國的醫生推薦是便秘必吃聖品。台灣的超級市場(頂好、大潤發、家樂福、愛買...)都買的到黑棗乾,幾乎都是和葡萄 乾、蔓越莓乾這些食品放在同一 架上。試了幾個牌子後,我個人最愛的是「太陽牌」(SUNSWEET)去籽黑棗乾(加 州梅)。

黑棗乾價格便宜 (500克 罐裝才125元), 又具有幫助排便、抗氧化、減重、減少骨質流失的多重功效, 每個年齡層的男生和女生都應該 把 8-10顆的黑 棗乾列入每天必吃食物(不過不要超過10顆 哦,要不然你的腸道會過度蠕動)。

最後提醒大家, 這8-10顆的黑棗乾並不必要一次吃完,可以在一天中分2-3次 吃完。

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting Old

Aged Care, this is what I am thinking recently. Most people won't think about this until they and their parents are getting old.

Here are 2 articles I like.

變老,一點都不可恥 (2010年09月8日)




我一直很注意日本這幾個月發生的「高齡者所在不明」問題,每天追著網路新聞update,甚至連我的日本推友都覺得好奇,問我,看到日本這個現象,會不會覺得日本社會很奇怪?但我回答日本推友說,台灣其實也正在面臨這個問題,那是一種同理心的焦慮,而且台灣可以倚賴的老人福利政策更脆弱,更讓人擔憂。 ....


(Memory Lessons: A Doctor’s Story)

Jerald Winakur 著

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tax Junk Food and Alcohol

Yes, it is time to tax junk food and alcohol. I think the tax raise should be at least 20% instead of 10% only. Well, maybe we should tax junk food and alcohol as we tax tobacco for health sake.

Tax junk food and booze to save lives
Adam Cresswell From: The Australian September 07, 2010 9:33PM

A WORLD-FIRST study has called for the introduction of a 10 per cent tax on junk food.

As well, it called for increased alcohol and tobacco taxes and mandatory limits on salt levels in bread and cereal in a package that would cut costs and save thousands of lives.

The first comparative evaluation of 150 different preventive health measures has found a core group of 20 would save over $6 billion as well as lives.

A further list of 23 different measures would cost more, financially, but would bring health benefits for less than $10,000 per annum of extra life bought -- five times below the normal threshold for cost-effectiveness.

'Tax junk food and booze to save lives' (By Adam Cresswell From: The Australian September 08, 2010 3:14AM)

Cheaper groceries just as healthy as branded products, says Choice study
By Karen Collier From: The Courier-Mail September 08, 2010 3:08am

HOUSEHOLDS are paying up to twice the price for branded groceries that taste no better or have little nutritional difference to the supermarket labels.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Banana Peel and Recipe

We love to eat banana, but I always feel it is a big waste to threw away banana peel which is about half volume and weight of the banana. Here is some recipes about banana peel and how to peel banana.

香蕉皮的十五種功效 2010/06/23 10:52

2009-02-07 13:12 吃香蕉 好處不少--香蕉皮還可抗憂鬱


《食譜作法》青香蕉減肥‧熟香蕉通便‧該怎麼吃? May 2, 2010










*香蕉蘋果豆奶:這是一道保護視網膜效果,能讓身體恢復疲勞、解熱退燒與促進乳腺發育的果汁~青香蕉含有香蕉素,能使胸部UP UP呦!很好喝.別擔心會澀!

















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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life with Proximal Phalanx Pain

It has been 3 weeks since I have this pain around Proximal Phalanx.

I would like to write down how I feel during this 3 weeks. Here is something I wrote to my parents. It took me a while to figure out how to use those terms they can understand.




(1) 開關任何需要轉緊蓋子的瓶罐,因為需要一隻手握住瓶身,一隻手去轉瓶蓋,不是單靠右手就可以完成,不論是轉瓶蓋或是握住瓶身,通常都會用到雙手食指;
(2) 開關所有 1.5 - 2 毫升的小試管 (eppendorf tube),平常用右手拿著微量吸管 (micropipet) 加溶液到小試管後,通常會用左手的食指去將小試管的蓋子蓋上;
(3) 用左手拿著任何小試管,然後用右手拿微量吸管吸取或是加溶液進去,因為通常是用大拇指及食指夾住拿起小試管;
(4) 貼以及撕任何膠帶,特別是在做組織培養時,因為所有的培養基質是放在 1-2 公分高的培養皿中,上面是一個蓋子,之後用膠帶將蓋子及培養皿黏在一起,然後才拿到擺放他們的生長房裡,在貼膠帶時,通常會是右手拉膠帶,左手轉動培養皿,順便要壓著蓋子,這樣的動作至少需要左手的大拇指 食指 中指,缺一就很麻煩:
(5) 用雙手拿血清瓶,甚至只是拿瓶蓋,這時候還是會用到食指。

(1) 洗碗時會不容易用左手拿著餐具,
(2) 吃飯時會難以用左手端起餐具,
(3) 無法用刀叉切食物吃,因為通常是右手拿刀,左手拿叉子,然後用左手食指將叉子壓住,
(4) 電腦打字,
(5) 脫穿衣服褲子,通常會用雙手的拇指 食指 中指,
(6) 開關任何瓶瓶罐罐。

現在有些不方便已經想不起來了,要正在做的時候才會感受到,但是基本上在做任何事都會用到左手食指,並不是像同事所想的「你需要左手食指做什麼呢?」,特別是所有的實驗行為都會慣用到左手食指,當我在用左手中指來代替食指,讓我的實驗速度減慢大概 1/3,可說是影響重大。



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