I am sorry that the whole content is written by traditional Chinese character. I don't have time to translate it, so I just copy the translation by google. I know the translation is not good, but at least it can tell something. Maybe when I have time, I can try to smooth this translation and make it readable.
I am angry and upset about what KMT has done to Taiwan. If it is not because of the destruction and damage by KMT, Taiwan's forest and mountains would be preserved much better and there won't be so many mudslides, landslides and death. Japan set up those National Parks in 1937 and KMT destroyed them and started many terrible destructions when it occupied Taiwan.
今天看到這個網頁的內容,另我無限唏噓 心痛不已,除了傷心的想落淚,心中還有恨意。如果沒有國民黨的故意破壞及隱瞞,或許台灣的山林不會破碎的這麼悽慘,或許不會有這麼多人死於年年發生的土石流。
== 摘錄網頁文章一開始的部份,全文請自己連進去看 ========
當我還是個國中生時,在地理課本上讀到:「臺灣的第一座國家公園成立於 1984 年」,不疑有他。直到我大學畢業後,偶然在一張 1930 年代的臺灣地圖上看到三座國家公園時,著實吃了一驚。
這三座國家公園分別位於大屯、次高タロコ、新高阿里山,當時稱為國立公園。大屯國立公園算是當今陽明山國家公園的前身,除此之外,其範圍還包含淡水河左岸的觀音山。次高タロコ國立公園 (次高山即為雪山、タロコ即為太魯閣) 除了涵蓋當今太魯閣國家公園的全部與雪霸國家公園的大部分,其西南角還延伸至霧社。新高阿里山國立公園 (新高山即為玉山) 的範圍也比當今玉山國家公園大得多,將阿里山包含在內。
這三處國立公園於 1935 年被指定為候補地,於 1937 年正式成立。事實上,臺北帝國大學地質學教授早坂一郎先生,主張再追加恆春半島為國立公園。他在 1936 年的論文中指出,國立公園的選定應著重地景之獨特性。他認為次高タロコ與新高阿里山的同質性太高,倒是恆春半島擁有當時日本國內唯一的熱帶雨林地景,不應成為遺珠。他的構想,直到 1984 年才由墾丁國家公園落實。不過,至少戰前臺灣已擁有三處國立公園,則是毫無疑問的了。
=== Partial translation by google (ps. If you want to read the whole google translation, you could use "消失四十年的國家公園" to do google search and then click " Translate this page")===
Disappearance of four decades of national park
When I was a junior high school students while in geography textbooks read: "Taiwan's first national park was established in 1984," no doubt has his. Until I graduated from college after the accident on a map of Taiwan, the 1930s saw three national park, really surprised.
All three national parks are located in Datun, the second highest Tatariロコ, new high-Ali, then known as National Park. Datun National Park which was the predecessor of today's Yangmingshan National Park, in addition, its scope also includes the left bank of the Tamsui River Mt. The high-TatariロコNational Park (namely, sub-alpine snow-capped mountains, Tatariロコshall Taroko) In addition to covering all of today's Taroko National Park Shei-Pa National Park, with most of its southwest corner is also extended to Wushe. Alishan National Park, a new high (new high mountains shall be Jade Mountain) the scope of the Yushan National Park is much greater than today, will Ali included.
This three National Park in 1935 was designated as alternate land was formally established in 1937. In fact, a geology professor at Taipei Imperial University, Mr. Ichiro Hayasaka and advocated for an additional Hengchun Peninsula National Park. In his 1936 paper states that the National Park should focus on the selection of the unique landscape. He believes that the second highest Tatari Aliロコwith the new high-homogeneity high, but added the Hengchun Peninsula at that time Japan has the only tropical rain forest landscape, should not be left unrecognized. His vision, until 1984 the implementation by the Kenting National Park. However, at least before the war, Taiwan already has three national parks, it is no doubt of.
1939年出版的台灣國立公園攝影集全文影像 (台中圖書館 日文舊籍數位典藏)
題名: 臺湾国立公園寫真集
著者: 岡田紅陽攝影
出版: [臺北市]:臺灣國立公園協會,昭和14[1939], 143面;部份彩圖, 地圖
(ps. Partial images were collected in this slide show)
Information about Japan's National Park
日本統治時代の台湾にかつて存在した国立公園 (台湾の統治権放棄により消滅)
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