This might be an interest one.
ABC news: Gene Wars: The race to own our food
The race to find and own all the drought resistant plant genes on the planet: A risk to universal access to food and the end of biodiversity or a solution to the predicted global food crisis?
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Australia Greens
Yeah! Australia Greens!
這是澳洲綠黨第一次在下議院 (Lower House) 選上一席,而且是在 Melbourne (墨爾本),為 Greens 歡呼。不過如果不是澳洲特殊的計票方式,Greens 的總票數其實是低於 Labor Party (ALP),還好澳洲和台灣及美國有不同的投票計票方式,使得綠黨的理念可以影響到政策的實踐。
根據澳洲選委會 (Updated: 22/08/2010 11:23:22 AM) 目前的開票結果 (Enrolment: 14,088,260 Turnout: 77.88%),澳洲綠黨在上議院 (Upper House, 也就是 Senate) 的 first preference 獲得 1,183,541 選票 (11.43%)。
Ecstatic Greens take ALP's long-held heartland
AFTER years of unfulfilled expectations, Greens supporters were celebrating a historic victory last night, booting Labor out of its formerly safe seat of Melbourne.
Greens rip Melbourne from Labor
The Greens have won a historic lower house seat, claiming the electorate of Melbourne from Labor. Although the Greens' Adam Bandt is trailing the ALP's Cath Bowtell on a two-candidate preferred basis, Liberal preferences have helped propel him to a stunning victory.
Larissa Waters wins Queensland Senate seat for Greens
Brisbane environmental lawyer Larissa Waters looks set to be Queensland’s first Greens Senator after a concerted Green rush through the Sunshine State.
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這是澳洲綠黨第一次在下議院 (Lower House) 選上一席,而且是在 Melbourne (墨爾本),為 Greens 歡呼。不過如果不是澳洲特殊的計票方式,Greens 的總票數其實是低於 Labor Party (ALP),還好澳洲和台灣及美國有不同的投票計票方式,使得綠黨的理念可以影響到政策的實踐。
根據澳洲選委會 (Updated: 22/08/2010 11:23:22 AM) 目前的開票結果 (Enrolment: 14,088,260 Turnout: 77.88%),澳洲綠黨在上議院 (Upper House, 也就是 Senate) 的 first preference 獲得 1,183,541 選票 (11.43%)。
Ecstatic Greens take ALP's long-held heartland
AFTER years of unfulfilled expectations, Greens supporters were celebrating a historic victory last night, booting Labor out of its formerly safe seat of Melbourne.
Greens rip Melbourne from Labor
The Greens have won a historic lower house seat, claiming the electorate of Melbourne from Labor. Although the Greens' Adam Bandt is trailing the ALP's Cath Bowtell on a two-candidate preferred basis, Liberal preferences have helped propel him to a stunning victory.
Larissa Waters wins Queensland Senate seat for Greens
Brisbane environmental lawyer Larissa Waters looks set to be Queensland’s first Greens Senator after a concerted Green rush through the Sunshine State.
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Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chicago 10
We just watched "Chicago 10: Speak Your Peace". A documentary movie mixed archival footage, animation, and music to look back the anti-Vietnam-war protesters at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the 1969 Conspiracy Trial. Worth watching.

Long Time Coming (BY GRAHAM MEYER)
Q: Why did you choose Chicago 10 as the title, rather than Chicago Seven or Chicago Eight, as the group is better known?
A: It was called C7 for five years. We liked that it made it feel like a movie, as opposed to a documentary. However, there were eight defendants. Jerry Rubin once said, "Anyone who calls us the Chicago Seven is a racist. Because you're discrediting [Black Panther leader and codefendant, in part] Bobby Seale. You can call us the Chicago Eight, but really we're the Chicago Ten, because our two lawyers went down with us." And I felt like it would also allow me to appropriate the story, rebrand the story.
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Long Time Coming (BY GRAHAM MEYER)
Q: Why did you choose Chicago 10 as the title, rather than Chicago Seven or Chicago Eight, as the group is better known?
A: It was called C7 for five years. We liked that it made it feel like a movie, as opposed to a documentary. However, there were eight defendants. Jerry Rubin once said, "Anyone who calls us the Chicago Seven is a racist. Because you're discrediting [Black Panther leader and codefendant, in part] Bobby Seale. You can call us the Chicago Eight, but really we're the Chicago Ten, because our two lawyers went down with us." And I felt like it would also allow me to appropriate the story, rebrand the story.
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Friday, August 20, 2010
Honeybee and Beehive
My internet connection is very poor. It takes more than 8 minutes to connect above link and unable to connect below link. But I think I might be interested in them after reading today's news 重箱養蜂不毀巢 蜜還多2倍
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My internet connection is very poor. It takes more than 8 minutes to connect above link and unable to connect below link. But I think I might be interested in them after reading today's news 重箱養蜂不毀巢 蜜還多2倍
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Proximal Phalanx
The left side of the 2nd proximal phalanx and 2nd metarcarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of my left hand has been painful for more than 1 week. It is getting worse especially when I move my left 2nd finger. I don't know what's this, but it starts to bother my daily life.
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EIA in Taiwan
I like these 2 reports by PNN (PTS News Network). We celebrated when Taiwan's EIA Act was passed and promulgated by presidential order on Dec. 30, 1994. Sixteen years have passed and our EIA Act has been used to serve politician and industrial development since day one. General principal 1 "prevent and mitigate the adverse impact of development activity on the environment in order to achieve the goal of environmental protection" is a joke in Taiwan.
I know that I should not post the whole articles in here. But I just want to keep a copy in my blog.
再從中科三、四期開發環評案辨正環評制度 (公共電視,by P評催稿中心 on 2010/08/17)
1. 環評絕對不是單單只有評估對自然環境的影響而已,包括人的生活環境、社會環境,甚至經濟、文化與生態都包含在內,而且同等重要。
2. 環評之所以是一項有預防及減輕功能的篩選機制,關鍵在於它是「事前」以科學、客觀、綜合之調查、預測、分析及評定。而此處的「事前」,指的當然是在實施前述的開發行為之前。對照中科三、四期環評有條件通過的條件中,都有一條開發單位必須在「營運前」完成對周邊居民的健康風險評估。乍看之下,似無不妥,但依上述說明,環評法之所以要求必須在事前完成各種調查、預測及分析,目的在於提供環評委員審查及做成結論時有充份且完整的資訊。然而環保署為配合廠商開發期限,強行以表決先行通過,事後(施工完成後營運前)再補做健康風險評估。此即行政法院先後認為中科三期環評審查結論違法,予以撤銷,及認為四期也有相同情形,在相思寮等居民訴請撤銷環評審查結論判決確定前,先裁定命停止後續開發行為的原因之一。
本文作者:詹順貴,律師,民間司法改革基金會常務執行委員。 曾任環評委員。1992年律師高考及格,因執業律師前任職於銀行界多年,故專攻於金融法相關研究。工作之餘,長期關注環保問題,參與濱南工業區、關西精密機械工業園區、國家公園採礦權之展延等環保反對運動、公聽會,並投身環境基本法、環境損害賠償法、海岸法等法案及草案之研擬與意見發表。本文係作者「環評的真相」系列專文第13篇。詹順貴的部落格:獨立蒼茫
健康風險三道門 中科三期闖一關 (公共電視 2010.8.17 記者胡慕情 / 台北報導)
中科三期健康風險評估連續安排3天會議(專家會議、專案小組、環評大會)要闖關,報告卻遭專家學者批評「送到焚化爐燒掉算了!」長期被排除在環評、 直到中科環評被撤銷才獲邀發言的大安鄉公所更猛烈炮轟「錢中科在賺,垃圾都丟在我們這邊,你們摸摸良心!」即便如此,環署卻祭出專家會議規範,及「開過很 多次會」的理由,要求專家選擇「讓報告通過」的模式,引發學者周晉澄痛斥:「我絕對不背書!」
中科三期健康風險牽涉行政院能否「補正」程序、讓中科局與廠商繼續「合法動工」,近日相關審查,環署都動員大批警力維安;17日的健康風險專家會議,環署更 大動作只開小門、要求警察把關記者需有記者證才能入環署,民眾則被擋在環署外。此外,環署原預計讓媒體只旁聽十分鐘就不能錄影,但最後沒有趕媒體。
台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所教授詹長權與副教授吳焜裕也嚴正否認參與沈世宏宣稱「可接受的健康風險評估」,接受中科局委託的中國醫藥大學健康風險 管理學系助理教授許惠悰也澄清:「這份報告兩位老師只做第一年,之後中科局只委託我,報告是我做的。」但他又說「我引用的曝露參數中 某些化學物質劑量是吳焜裕算的,要說他沒參與其實也是有。」
中科局:風險很低 大安鄉:白賊講!
數據資料問題多 與會專家強烈抨擊
公視新聞影像報導 中科三期健康風險爭議點
中科健康風險評估 真實狀況遭質疑 (2010.8.17 記者林靜媒 邱福財 / 台北報導)
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I know that I should not post the whole articles in here. But I just want to keep a copy in my blog.
再從中科三、四期開發環評案辨正環評制度 (公共電視,by P評催稿中心 on 2010/08/17)
1. 環評絕對不是單單只有評估對自然環境的影響而已,包括人的生活環境、社會環境,甚至經濟、文化與生態都包含在內,而且同等重要。
2. 環評之所以是一項有預防及減輕功能的篩選機制,關鍵在於它是「事前」以科學、客觀、綜合之調查、預測、分析及評定。而此處的「事前」,指的當然是在實施前述的開發行為之前。對照中科三、四期環評有條件通過的條件中,都有一條開發單位必須在「營運前」完成對周邊居民的健康風險評估。乍看之下,似無不妥,但依上述說明,環評法之所以要求必須在事前完成各種調查、預測及分析,目的在於提供環評委員審查及做成結論時有充份且完整的資訊。然而環保署為配合廠商開發期限,強行以表決先行通過,事後(施工完成後營運前)再補做健康風險評估。此即行政法院先後認為中科三期環評審查結論違法,予以撤銷,及認為四期也有相同情形,在相思寮等居民訴請撤銷環評審查結論判決確定前,先裁定命停止後續開發行為的原因之一。
本文作者:詹順貴,律師,民間司法改革基金會常務執行委員。 曾任環評委員。1992年律師高考及格,因執業律師前任職於銀行界多年,故專攻於金融法相關研究。工作之餘,長期關注環保問題,參與濱南工業區、關西精密機械工業園區、國家公園採礦權之展延等環保反對運動、公聽會,並投身環境基本法、環境損害賠償法、海岸法等法案及草案之研擬與意見發表。本文係作者「環評的真相」系列專文第13篇。詹順貴的部落格:獨立蒼茫
健康風險三道門 中科三期闖一關 (公共電視 2010.8.17 記者胡慕情 / 台北報導)
中科三期健康風險評估連續安排3天會議(專家會議、專案小組、環評大會)要闖關,報告卻遭專家學者批評「送到焚化爐燒掉算了!」長期被排除在環評、 直到中科環評被撤銷才獲邀發言的大安鄉公所更猛烈炮轟「錢中科在賺,垃圾都丟在我們這邊,你們摸摸良心!」即便如此,環署卻祭出專家會議規範,及「開過很 多次會」的理由,要求專家選擇「讓報告通過」的模式,引發學者周晉澄痛斥:「我絕對不背書!」
中科三期健康風險牽涉行政院能否「補正」程序、讓中科局與廠商繼續「合法動工」,近日相關審查,環署都動員大批警力維安;17日的健康風險專家會議,環署更 大動作只開小門、要求警察把關記者需有記者證才能入環署,民眾則被擋在環署外。此外,環署原預計讓媒體只旁聽十分鐘就不能錄影,但最後沒有趕媒體。
台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所教授詹長權與副教授吳焜裕也嚴正否認參與沈世宏宣稱「可接受的健康風險評估」,接受中科局委託的中國醫藥大學健康風險 管理學系助理教授許惠悰也澄清:「這份報告兩位老師只做第一年,之後中科局只委託我,報告是我做的。」但他又說「我引用的曝露參數中 某些化學物質劑量是吳焜裕算的,要說他沒參與其實也是有。」
中科局:風險很低 大安鄉:白賊講!
數據資料問題多 與會專家強烈抨擊
公視新聞影像報導 中科三期健康風險爭議點
中科健康風險評估 真實狀況遭質疑 (2010.8.17 記者林靜媒 邱福財 / 台北報導)
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The Story of Cap and Trade
I like this short video. It is easy to understand for everybody. I hope people, especially those politician and policy maker, can start to think the problems in Cap and Trade. Below are English and Taiwanese versions.
The Story of Cap and Trade
The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the details" in current cap and trade proposals: free permits to big polluters, fake offsets and distraction from what’s really required to tackle the climate crisis. If you’ve heard about cap and trade, but aren’t sure how it works (or who benefits), this is the film is for you.
繼「東西的故事」之後,曾獲選為時代雜誌環保英雄的Annie Leonard團隊又推出「碳交易的故事」,告訴你為何二氧化碳的「總量管制與交易制度」(Cap & Trade),不能真正解決全球暖化危機,達到節能減碳的目的。政府核配給大型污染源的免費碳權、虛假不實的碳抵減,這由能源交易商與華爾街金融業者搞出來的制度正在浪費人類處理氣候危機所需的寶貴資源 ,與時間...
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The Story of Cap and Trade
The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the details" in current cap and trade proposals: free permits to big polluters, fake offsets and distraction from what’s really required to tackle the climate crisis. If you’ve heard about cap and trade, but aren’t sure how it works (or who benefits), this is the film is for you.
繼「東西的故事」之後,曾獲選為時代雜誌環保英雄的Annie Leonard團隊又推出「碳交易的故事」,告訴你為何二氧化碳的「總量管制與交易制度」(Cap & Trade),不能真正解決全球暖化危機,達到節能減碳的目的。政府核配給大型污染源的免費碳權、虛假不實的碳抵減,這由能源交易商與華爾街金融業者搞出來的制度正在浪費人類處理氣候危機所需的寶貴資源 ,與時間...
碳交易的故事The Story of Cap and Trade from Wild at Heart on Vimeo.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
Primary amenorrhea
Here are top 5 webpages about Primary amenorrhea by google search. Why do I put them here? It is because ....
Amenorrhea - primary
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. Menstruation is a woman's monthly period. Primary amenorrhea is when a girl has not yet started her monthly periods, and she:
(1) Has gone through other normal changes that occur during puberty
(2) Is older than 15
Amenorrhea, Primary
Primary amenorrhea is the failure of menses to occur by age 16 years, in the presence of normal growth and secondary sexual characteristics. If by age 13, menses has not occurred and the onset of puberty, such as breast development, is absent, a work-up for primary amenorrhea should start.
Menstruation is the cyclic, orderly sloughing of the uterine lining, due to the interactions of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries.

Hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries form a functional endocrine axis, known as HPO axis with hormonal regulations and feedback loops.
Hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries form a functional endocrine axis, known as HPO axis with hormonal regulations and feedback loops.

Amenorrhoea (BE), amenorrhea (AmE), or amenorrhœa, is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiological states of amenorrhoea are seen during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), the latter also forming the basis of a form of contraception known as the lactational amenorrhoea method. Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.
Amenorrhoea is a symptom with many potential causes. Primary amenorrhoea (menstruation cycles never starting) may be caused by developmental problems such as the congenital absence of the uterus, or failure of the ovary to receive or maintain egg cells. Also, delay in pubertal development will lead to primary amenorrhoea. It is defined as an absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 14 with no menarche or normal secondary sexual characteristics but no menarche by 16 years of age. Secondary amenorrhoea (menstruation cycles ceasing) is often caused by hormonal disturbances from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland or from premature menopause, or intrauterine scar formation. It is defined as the absence of menses for three months in a woman with previously normal menstruation or nine months for women with a history of oligomenorrhoea.
Primary amenorrhea: Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. Primary amenorrhea is not considered to have occurred until a girl is beyond age 16, if she has undergone other normal changes that occur during puberty.

Primary amenorrhea

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Amenorrhea - primary
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. Menstruation is a woman's monthly period. Primary amenorrhea is when a girl has not yet started her monthly periods, and she:
(1) Has gone through other normal changes that occur during puberty
(2) Is older than 15
Amenorrhea, Primary
Primary amenorrhea is the failure of menses to occur by age 16 years, in the presence of normal growth and secondary sexual characteristics. If by age 13, menses has not occurred and the onset of puberty, such as breast development, is absent, a work-up for primary amenorrhea should start.
Menstruation is the cyclic, orderly sloughing of the uterine lining, due to the interactions of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries.
Hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries form a functional endocrine axis, known as HPO axis with hormonal regulations and feedback loops.
Hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries form a functional endocrine axis, known as HPO axis with hormonal regulations and feedback loops.
Amenorrhoea (BE), amenorrhea (AmE), or amenorrhœa, is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiological states of amenorrhoea are seen during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), the latter also forming the basis of a form of contraception known as the lactational amenorrhoea method. Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.
Amenorrhoea is a symptom with many potential causes. Primary amenorrhoea (menstruation cycles never starting) may be caused by developmental problems such as the congenital absence of the uterus, or failure of the ovary to receive or maintain egg cells. Also, delay in pubertal development will lead to primary amenorrhoea. It is defined as an absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 14 with no menarche or normal secondary sexual characteristics but no menarche by 16 years of age. Secondary amenorrhoea (menstruation cycles ceasing) is often caused by hormonal disturbances from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland or from premature menopause, or intrauterine scar formation. It is defined as the absence of menses for three months in a woman with previously normal menstruation or nine months for women with a history of oligomenorrhoea.
Primary amenorrhea: Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. Primary amenorrhea is not considered to have occurred until a girl is beyond age 16, if she has undergone other normal changes that occur during puberty.
Primary amenorrhea
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
More about Formosa Betrayed
I am not good on English writing. Here are some articles talking about this movie.
Telling the story (by J. Michael Cole)
Years in the making and produced on a shoestring budget, Formosa Betrayed has already played in select theaters in the US and Canada. Starting on August 6, it will finally be playing in the country whose story it strives to bring to a wider audience — that of Taiwan.
Formosa Betrayed: a quest for truth and justice (by David on Formosa)
Will Tiao on ‘Formosa Betrayed’: ‘I can defend my movie to the T” (August 8th, 2010, by Trista di Genova)
您,看過「被出賣的台灣」了嗎?(by Tottoro, 08/12/2010)
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Telling the story (by J. Michael Cole)
Years in the making and produced on a shoestring budget, Formosa Betrayed has already played in select theaters in the US and Canada. Starting on August 6, it will finally be playing in the country whose story it strives to bring to a wider audience — that of Taiwan.
Formosa Betrayed: a quest for truth and justice (by David on Formosa)
Will Tiao on ‘Formosa Betrayed’: ‘I can defend my movie to the T” (August 8th, 2010, by Trista di Genova)
您,看過「被出賣的台灣」了嗎?(by Tottoro, 08/12/2010)
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Friday, August 13, 2010
Sea Beans Entada
My husband and his colleague collected some sea beans from the islands. We don't know what are them and decide to grow them. Based on the size and shape of those seeds, we believe they are those beautiful sea beans Entada.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The English Surgeon
In the beginning, I thought this might be another heavy and somber documentary. But it is touching and humanity. I like the end "What are we if we don’t try to help others? We are nothing. Nothing at all", very breathtaking.
BBC, 2007
The English Surgeon (PBS Broadcast: September 8, 2009)
What is it like to have power over life and death, and yet to struggle with your own humanity? This is the story of acclaimed British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh, who has traveled to Ukraine for 15 years to treat patients who have been left to die; of his friend and medical colleague in Kyiv who carries on the fight despite official hostility and archaic surgical conditions; and of a young patient who hopes that Henry can save his life. Tense, heartbreaking and humorous, The English Surgeon is a remarkable depiction of one doctor's commitment to relieving suffering and of the emotional turmoil he undergoes in bringing hope to a desperate people. A BBC/ITVS International Production.
The English Surgeon (2008): The Doctor Who Went Into the Ukrainian Cold
By MANOHLA DARGIS, July 24, 2009, NY Times
Dr. Henry Marsh, 'The English Surgeon' (Listen to the Story, September 8, 2009)
Fifteen years ago, British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh went to Ukraine as a visiting lecturer, and found a medical system that was decades out of date. Dr. Marsh talks about his collaboration with a Ukrainian doctor to save lives and bring hope to patients, and a PBS documentary titled The English Surgeon that tells his story.
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The English Surgeon (PBS Broadcast: September 8, 2009)
What is it like to have power over life and death, and yet to struggle with your own humanity? This is the story of acclaimed British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh, who has traveled to Ukraine for 15 years to treat patients who have been left to die; of his friend and medical colleague in Kyiv who carries on the fight despite official hostility and archaic surgical conditions; and of a young patient who hopes that Henry can save his life. Tense, heartbreaking and humorous, The English Surgeon is a remarkable depiction of one doctor's commitment to relieving suffering and of the emotional turmoil he undergoes in bringing hope to a desperate people. A BBC/ITVS International Production.
The English Surgeon (2008): The Doctor Who Went Into the Ukrainian Cold
By MANOHLA DARGIS, July 24, 2009, NY Times
Dr. Henry Marsh, 'The English Surgeon' (Listen to the Story, September 8, 2009)
Fifteen years ago, British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh went to Ukraine as a visiting lecturer, and found a medical system that was decades out of date. Dr. Marsh talks about his collaboration with a Ukrainian doctor to save lives and bring hope to patients, and a PBS documentary titled The English Surgeon that tells his story.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Mining on Stradbroke Island
I don't understand why it is so difficult for the State government to stop sand mining in this beautiful island, the 2nd biggest sand island in the world. Why the state government insists to renew expired mining leases on land earmarked to become national park in next year, i e. 2011?
Greens push for Stradbroke Island mining ban (July 26, 2010, Brisbane Times)
Greens Senate candidate Larissa Waters: Long phase-out timetable would not properly protect old growth forest. Photo: Michelle Smith
The Australian Greens have called on the federal government to ban mining on Stradbroke Island, southeast of Brisbane.
However, the Queensland government today was sticking by its plan to phase out the island's 50-year-old mining industry over the next 17 years.
Greens call for Straddie mining ban
The Australian Greens have called for the federal government to step in and ban sand mining on Stradbroke Island.
This follows a state government deal to extend mining until 2027 on already expired leases at the island's largest mine.
Greens call for federal intervention to ban mining on Stradbroke Island
The Australian Greens have called for the federal government to step in and ban mining on Stradbroke Island after the state government's dirty deal to extend mining until 2027 on already expired leases at the Island's largest mine.
“The federal government should act to protect the old growth forest, ancient sand dunes and koalas of the second largest sand island in the world, because the state government has totally failed to do so,” said Australian Greens lead Senate candidate for Queensland, environmental lawyer Larissa Waters, who flew over the Enterprise mine site today.
“It's no coincidence that Premier Bligh's 2027 end date for mining is exactly the year the miners told the ASX that Enterprise mine would run out of minerals. She has given the miners exactly what they want, and will even change state laws to enable renewal of Joh-era mining leases that expired nearly three years ago.
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Greens push for Stradbroke Island mining ban (July 26, 2010, Brisbane Times)
Greens Senate candidate Larissa Waters: Long phase-out timetable would not properly protect old growth forest. Photo: Michelle Smith
The Australian Greens have called on the federal government to ban mining on Stradbroke Island, southeast of Brisbane.
However, the Queensland government today was sticking by its plan to phase out the island's 50-year-old mining industry over the next 17 years.
Greens call for Straddie mining ban
The Australian Greens have called for the federal government to step in and ban sand mining on Stradbroke Island.
This follows a state government deal to extend mining until 2027 on already expired leases at the island's largest mine.
Greens call for federal intervention to ban mining on Stradbroke Island
The Australian Greens have called for the federal government to step in and ban mining on Stradbroke Island after the state government's dirty deal to extend mining until 2027 on already expired leases at the Island's largest mine.
“The federal government should act to protect the old growth forest, ancient sand dunes and koalas of the second largest sand island in the world, because the state government has totally failed to do so,” said Australian Greens lead Senate candidate for Queensland, environmental lawyer Larissa Waters, who flew over the Enterprise mine site today.
“It's no coincidence that Premier Bligh's 2027 end date for mining is exactly the year the miners told the ASX that Enterprise mine would run out of minerals. She has given the miners exactly what they want, and will even change state laws to enable renewal of Joh-era mining leases that expired nearly three years ago.
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Greens: Coral Sea protection plan
I like Greens because they have dreams, they have ideas, and they have actions.
Plan to protect Barrier Reef announced
The Greens have announced a new plan to tackle the biggest threats to the Great Barrier Reef.
The plan includes:
1. Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020
2. Extending the requirements for satellite tracking of vessels on board vessels for all ships transporting coal and gas throughout the reef
3. Extending compulsory pilotage across the entire reef for large transport ships through the relevant international forums
4 Banning the use of the pesticides, particularly diuron, atrazine and ametryn, which are found in high concentrations in run-off from the land.
Greens launch Coral Sea protection plan (by JAMIE MCKINNELL, Brisbane Times, August 10, 2010)
Queensland would become home to one of the world's largest Protected Marine Reserves, under a new proposal announced by Greens leader Bob Brown.
The Coral Sea, a region covering one million square kilometres, boasts flourishing ecosystems which the Greens say are threatened by oil and gas extraction, unsustainable fishing and pollution.
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Plan to protect Barrier Reef announced
The Greens have announced a new plan to tackle the biggest threats to the Great Barrier Reef.
The plan includes:
1. Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020
2. Extending the requirements for satellite tracking of vessels on board vessels for all ships transporting coal and gas throughout the reef
3. Extending compulsory pilotage across the entire reef for large transport ships through the relevant international forums
4 Banning the use of the pesticides, particularly diuron, atrazine and ametryn, which are found in high concentrations in run-off from the land.
Greens launch Coral Sea protection plan (by JAMIE MCKINNELL, Brisbane Times, August 10, 2010)
Queensland would become home to one of the world's largest Protected Marine Reserves, under a new proposal announced by Greens leader Bob Brown.
The Coral Sea, a region covering one million square kilometres, boasts flourishing ecosystems which the Greens say are threatened by oil and gas extraction, unsustainable fishing and pollution.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010
Dairy-free Chocolate Cookie
We bought 100% cocoa powder last month because we love chocolate. Those commercial chocolate and chocolate cookie are too sweet and most of them contain milk. There are some recipes found on google are listed in my Dairy-free Chocolate Recipes. We tried one of the chocolate cookie and it is so delicious that we almost couldn't stop eating. We added much less sugar and love it.
Summarized from Our 3rd and 4th test on Aug 21 and 23, 2010
(1) Dairy-free Chocolate Cookie
Mix sugar 70g + cocoa powder 40g + Self-raising flour 146g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
(2) Dairy-free green tea cookie
Mix sugar 70g + green tea powder 40g + Self-raising flour 146g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
(ps. Green tea powder is not suitable in here.)
Our first test on Aug 7, 2010
Mix sugar 50g + cocoa powder 20g + Self-raising flour 70g together
-> Add canola oil 32g and water 40g, then mix
-> Separate to 15 bite-size pieces and bake 15 min at 180 oC
(note) It is very delicious with strong cocoa favor. We love it. I will suggest to use less sugar such as 40g because I prefer to have a little bit bitter taste for chocolate related desert.
This chocolate cookie costs 0.52 AUD when we bought all the ingredient in Woolworths. The sugar content is 29% if no oil evaporated, which is much lower than most cookies selling in stores. We will try 40g sugar next time.
Our second test on Aug 11, 2010
Mix sugar 40g + cocoa powder 20g + Self-raising flour 70g together + 0.25 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 32g and water 40g, then mix
-> Separate to 20 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
We love it. It tastes even better without the sugar sweet, just rich cocoa flavor.
Our 3rd test on Aug 21, 2010
Mix sugar 70g + cocoa powder 40g + Self-raising flour 140g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
We love it. I think we don't need much sugar, rich cocoa is enough.
Our 4th test on Aug 23, 2010
Mix sugar 70g + green tea powder 40g + Self-raising flour 146g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
We love it. I think we don't need much sugar, rich cocoa is enough.
Our untried test
Mix sugar 40g + canola oil 32g
-> Add cocoa powder 20g and mix
-> Add 1 egg and mix
-> Add self-raising flour 70g and salt 0.75g, then mix
-> Bake 10-15 min at 180 oC
Dairy-free Chocolate Recipes
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies ( 35個 )
A: 2 cups of sugar (380 g)... 3/4 cup of oil (180 cc = 144 g)...
B: 3/4 cup of cocoa powder (60 g)...
C: 4 eggs ... 2 teaspoon vanilla extract ...
D: 2 1/3 cups of flour (280 g)... 2 teaspoon baking soda (11 g) ... 1/2 teaspoon salt (3 g)...
E: Powdered sugar
{一}.. 將 A 打發後加入 B 攪拌均勻..再加入 C 至全部攪拌均勻 ...
{二}.. 材料 D 均過篩...加入作法{一}...
{三}.. 外沾用的糖粉E放在盤子裡 ...取少許的麵糰滾圓後(註2)..
{四}.. 烤箱預熱350度..烘烤10-12分即可...
註1 : 我覺得 2 杯糖的甜度剛剛好...
註2 : 我是用挖小球冰淇淋的scoop( 1T.) 整形的...
註3 : 整的越大.. 烘烤的時間就越久...
註4: 我通常會在烘焙的前一天先完成作法{二} ... 如此麵糰較易操作...
另外 .. 整的越小..糖粉就會用的越多...
Chocolate Cookie
Material (approximately 15)
Cake flour 70g
Cocoa (unsweetened) 30g
Sugar 50g
Salad oil 2 tablespoons
Milk 2 tablespoons
Vanilla oil (if any) 2 to 3 drops
Powdered sugar Appropriate
◆ Beikingupauda 0.25 tsp (without OK)
Mix flour, cocoa powder and sugar together
-> Add oil & vanilla oil and mix
-> Add milk and mix to dough
-> Separate to 15 bite-size pieces and bake 180 oC for 15 min
-> Sprinkle some sugar powder
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Summarized from Our 3rd and 4th test on Aug 21 and 23, 2010
(1) Dairy-free Chocolate Cookie
Mix sugar 70g + cocoa powder 40g + Self-raising flour 146g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
(2) Dairy-free green tea cookie
Mix sugar 70g + green tea powder 40g + Self-raising flour 146g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
(ps. Green tea powder is not suitable in here.)
Our first test on Aug 7, 2010
Mix sugar 50g + cocoa powder 20g + Self-raising flour 70g together
-> Add canola oil 32g and water 40g, then mix
-> Separate to 15 bite-size pieces and bake 15 min at 180 oC
(note) It is very delicious with strong cocoa favor. We love it. I will suggest to use less sugar such as 40g because I prefer to have a little bit bitter taste for chocolate related desert.
This chocolate cookie costs 0.52 AUD when we bought all the ingredient in Woolworths. The sugar content is 29% if no oil evaporated, which is much lower than most cookies selling in stores. We will try 40g sugar next time.
Our second test on Aug 11, 2010
Mix sugar 40g + cocoa powder 20g + Self-raising flour 70g together + 0.25 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 32g and water 40g, then mix
-> Separate to 20 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
We love it. It tastes even better without the sugar sweet, just rich cocoa flavor.
Our 3rd test on Aug 21, 2010
Mix sugar 70g + cocoa powder 40g + Self-raising flour 140g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
We love it. I think we don't need much sugar, rich cocoa is enough.
Our 4th test on Aug 23, 2010
Mix sugar 70g + green tea powder 40g + Self-raising flour 146g together + 0.5 tsp salt
-> Add canola oil 64g and water 80g, then mix
-> Separate to 40 bite-size pieces and bake 17 min at 180 oC
We love it. I think we don't need much sugar, rich cocoa is enough.
Our untried test
Mix sugar 40g + canola oil 32g
-> Add cocoa powder 20g and mix
-> Add 1 egg and mix
-> Add self-raising flour 70g and salt 0.75g, then mix
-> Bake 10-15 min at 180 oC
Dairy-free Chocolate Recipes
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies ( 35個 )
A: 2 cups of sugar (380 g)... 3/4 cup of oil (180 cc = 144 g)...
B: 3/4 cup of cocoa powder (60 g)...
C: 4 eggs ... 2 teaspoon vanilla extract ...
D: 2 1/3 cups of flour (280 g)... 2 teaspoon baking soda (11 g) ... 1/2 teaspoon salt (3 g)...
E: Powdered sugar
{一}.. 將 A 打發後加入 B 攪拌均勻..再加入 C 至全部攪拌均勻 ...
{二}.. 材料 D 均過篩...加入作法{一}...
{三}.. 外沾用的糖粉E放在盤子裡 ...取少許的麵糰滾圓後(註2)..
{四}.. 烤箱預熱350度..烘烤10-12分即可...
註1 : 我覺得 2 杯糖的甜度剛剛好...
註2 : 我是用挖小球冰淇淋的scoop( 1T.) 整形的...
註3 : 整的越大.. 烘烤的時間就越久...
註4: 我通常會在烘焙的前一天先完成作法{二} ... 如此麵糰較易操作...
另外 .. 整的越小..糖粉就會用的越多...
Chocolate Cookie
Material (approximately 15)
Cake flour 70g
Cocoa (unsweetened) 30g
Sugar 50g
Salad oil 2 tablespoons
Milk 2 tablespoons
Vanilla oil (if any) 2 to 3 drops
Powdered sugar Appropriate
◆ Beikingupauda 0.25 tsp (without OK)
Mix flour, cocoa powder and sugar together
-> Add oil & vanilla oil and mix
-> Add milk and mix to dough
-> Separate to 15 bite-size pieces and bake 180 oC for 15 min
-> Sprinkle some sugar powder
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Irrigation and Murray-Darling Basin
Today's ABC Landline has discussed the problem between irrigation and Murray-Darling Basin. I will put its link in here when ABC put it up on their website. It
is a difficult problem for people when the water resource is limited. I hope this water shortage will also give a chance for people to think about Australia population growth.
Murray-Darling Basin (wiki inf)
The Murray-Darling basin is a geographical area in the interior of southeastern Australia, which spans parts of the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory. It is 3,375 km in length (the Murray River is 2589 km long), drains one-seventh of the Australian land mass, and is currently by far the most significant agricultural area in Australia. The name of the basin is derived from its two major rivers, the Murray River and the Darling River.
The Murray Darling Basin is home for many native animal species. The true numbers are not known, but a fairly accurate estimate has been made of these animals and the current status of their population. .....
Report finds basin water cuts to slash jobs (ABC, By Sam Burgess, Fri Aug 6, 2010 7:31am AEST)
Irrigators in Queensland's southern inland region say even a small reduction in water entitlements in the northern Murray-Darling Basin will have a devastating impact on rural communities.
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is a difficult problem for people when the water resource is limited. I hope this water shortage will also give a chance for people to think about Australia population growth.
Murray-Darling Basin (wiki inf)
The Murray-Darling basin is a geographical area in the interior of southeastern Australia, which spans parts of the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory. It is 3,375 km in length (the Murray River is 2589 km long), drains one-seventh of the Australian land mass, and is currently by far the most significant agricultural area in Australia. The name of the basin is derived from its two major rivers, the Murray River and the Darling River.
The Murray Darling Basin is home for many native animal species. The true numbers are not known, but a fairly accurate estimate has been made of these animals and the current status of their population. .....
Report finds basin water cuts to slash jobs (ABC, By Sam Burgess, Fri Aug 6, 2010 7:31am AEST)
Irrigators in Queensland's southern inland region say even a small reduction in water entitlements in the northern Murray-Darling Basin will have a devastating impact on rural communities.
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Food Security
I am not sure if this is because it is election time in Australia or it has become a national concern. Worrying about Losing farmland and food resources & security has become an issue on TV in these 2 weeks in Australia. I think that every country should try to save their own farmland for their own people. It is not just for food security, but it is also environmental friendly.
Here are 2 reports in ABC.
PART 1: Does Australia risk losing control of its food resources? (By Stephen Crittenden)
Foreign interests including state-owned companies from China and the Middle East are increasingly looking to Australia to secure their food production by purchasing key agricultural assets.
PART 2: Does Australia need a food security plan? (ABC, By Stephen Crittenden)
Tasmanian Greens Senator Christine Milne says Australia urgently needs a national food security plan because of the growing danger of foreign takeover of key Australian agricultural assets.
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Here are 2 reports in ABC.
PART 1: Does Australia risk losing control of its food resources? (By Stephen Crittenden)
Foreign interests including state-owned companies from China and the Middle East are increasingly looking to Australia to secure their food production by purchasing key agricultural assets.
PART 2: Does Australia need a food security plan? (ABC, By Stephen Crittenden)
Tasmanian Greens Senator Christine Milne says Australia urgently needs a national food security plan because of the growing danger of foreign takeover of key Australian agricultural assets.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
Lost in Translation
I think this is a very interest article. Just share with you. Each individual language is a human heritage which should be treasured by everybody.
Lost in Translation (The Wall Street Journal, JULY 23, 2010)
New cognitive research suggests that language profoundly influences the way people see the world; a different sense of blame in Japanese and Spanish
Do the languages we speak shape the way we think? Do they merely express thoughts, or do the structures in languages (without our knowledge or consent) shape the very thoughts we wish to express?
All this new research shows us that the languages we speak not only reflect or express our thoughts, but also shape the very thoughts we wish to express. The structures that exist in our languages profoundly shape how we construct reality, and help make us as smart and sophisticated as we are.
Language is a uniquely human gift. When we study language, we are uncovering in part what makes us human, getting a peek at the very nature of human nature. As we uncover how languages and their speakers differ from one another, we discover that human natures too can differ dramatically, depending on the languages we speak. The next steps are to understand the mechanisms through which languages help us construct the incredibly complex knowledge systems we have. Understanding how knowledge is built will allow us to create ideas that go beyond the currently thinkable. This research cuts right to the fundamental questions we all ask about ourselves. How do we come to be the way we are? Why do we think the way we do? An important part of the answer, it turns out, is in the languages we speak.
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Lost in Translation (The Wall Street Journal, JULY 23, 2010)
New cognitive research suggests that language profoundly influences the way people see the world; a different sense of blame in Japanese and Spanish
Do the languages we speak shape the way we think? Do they merely express thoughts, or do the structures in languages (without our knowledge or consent) shape the very thoughts we wish to express?
All this new research shows us that the languages we speak not only reflect or express our thoughts, but also shape the very thoughts we wish to express. The structures that exist in our languages profoundly shape how we construct reality, and help make us as smart and sophisticated as we are.
Language is a uniquely human gift. When we study language, we are uncovering in part what makes us human, getting a peek at the very nature of human nature. As we uncover how languages and their speakers differ from one another, we discover that human natures too can differ dramatically, depending on the languages we speak. The next steps are to understand the mechanisms through which languages help us construct the incredibly complex knowledge systems we have. Understanding how knowledge is built will allow us to create ideas that go beyond the currently thinkable. This research cuts right to the fundamental questions we all ask about ourselves. How do we come to be the way we are? Why do we think the way we do? An important part of the answer, it turns out, is in the languages we speak.
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