(Note: Below is old news and information)
Not a good news. There are many unconfirmed cases in Australia now.
View H1N1 Swine Flu in a larger map (ps. You can adjust google map as you desire)
Purple marker is confirmed or probable
Pink marker is suspect
Yellow marker is negative
Fatal cases have no dot
Video on improved map and H1N1 swine flu current and future evolution (http://www.wpxi.com/video/19313969/index.html)
WHO Swine influenza: WHO has raised the pandemic flu alert (by the swine Influenza A H1N1) from level 4 to level 5 on April 29, 2009
More information on WHO phases of pandemic alert
2009 swine flue outbreak (wiki)
2009 swine flu outbreak timeline (wiki)
Below is the letter that UQ sent to her employee (Thu 30/04/2009 8:28 PM). I am just wondering what anti-bacterial hand gel can do to virus. Any kind of hand wash soap should do the job.
Swine Influenza outbreak: Advice from University of Queensland
To all staff,
Over the last few days there has been extensive media coverage on a new
influenza virus, "swine Influenza A H1N1".
I thought it opportune to update you on the issue and advise on a few
prudent measures we have taken.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the pandemic flu alert
level from 3 to 5 this week. The WHO definition of this Level 5 is:
characterised by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two
countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected
at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a
pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization,
communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is
Action taken by the University includes:
- Regular liaison with the State
and Federal Health Departments (UQ is represented by the Director,
University Health Service);
- Reviewing the extant Crisis Management Plan;
- Ordering protective masks and anti-bacterial hand gel as a precaution;
- Confirming that the Federal Government has large supplies of anti-viral
drugs should the need arise;
- Confirming that no cases have been reported
in Australia;
- Confirming the University Health Service processes and
- Contacting the small number of staff and students in Mexico and
advising them to return to Australia and providing advice to a number
of students and staff in other locations;
- Approving an extension of
the free preventative flu inoculation program for staff to reduce the
risk of other flu infections. I strongly encourage you to make use of
this program funded by the University for your benefit. Book online at:
Further information on the OHS management of Pandemic Influenza at UQ
is at:
Staff who are planning overseas travel, or who are already overseas
need to be alert to the risks associated with the destinations. If
planning to travel you are advised to monitor the Australian
Government's "Smarttraveller" website for important Information at
Looking after yourself
At this time, we can all help reduce the spread of any respiratory virus
by following sensible hygiene routines as below. These steps will help
to protect you and your family from possible infection.
- If you have recently returned from travel to Mexico, the US, Canada
or New Zealand (or have any concerns following other recent travel) we
recommend you stay at home if you develop flu-like symptoms and consult
your medical practitioner or seek advice from the University Health
Service. If they recommend remaining at home and resting, please do so.
- Wash your hands frequently - either with soap and water or an alcohol
based gel.
- Use tissues when coughing and sneezing. Dispose of tissues
in a waste receptacle.
- Cover your cough with your arm or elbow rather
than your hand.
Further information can be found at the World Health Organisation
The Australian Government at:
The Queensland Government at:
If there are any significant developments I will provide further advice.
Maurie McNarn AO
Executive Director Operations
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