Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Formosa Betrayed

I want to see this movie, Formosa Betrayed. Information in imdb. It is inspired by actual events, a brutal political murder of a Taiwanese-American professor (Dr. Chen, Wen-Chen) in Taiwan. The movie moved the murder scene to US soil, but it still shows the situation in 1980s Taiwan when the FBI agent did his investigation in Taiwan.

Movie Review: Formosa Betrayed: When the Language of Diplomacy Includes 'Kapow!' (By STEPHEN HOLDEN, NY Times, February 26, 2010)

 多年來,台灣人總希望看到一部能呈現台灣人追求國家認同百折不撓、艱苦奮鬥的電影,類 似為猶太人拍的「辛德勒的名單」,「被出賣的台灣」主要呈現兩個基調 - 「正義與認同」,這是台灣人社區中已完全理解與接受的兩種價值觀。

 「被出賣的台灣」要藉由一位臺美人教授為追求臺灣的民主獨立而被謀殺的人間悲劇,要讓 全世界的觀眾了解臺灣的國民黨政府為鞏固獨裁排斥異議,所用的殘忍手段及臺灣追求自由 民主的史實。

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