Saturday, November 26, 2022

Taiwan Election Day

1. 18歲的........。(ps. 還在選舉投票期間,不在此呈現任何意見)
2. 因為我們排隊的地方是分為2條線路,各自對應不同的鄰。右邊那一條前進的很順利,我們這一排不知為什麼停滯不前。後面這2個人就霸占住2條線路,並排聊天。
3. 我們排的這一條一直不會前進,看了幾次,後來看到有選務人員拿著一張椅子,扶著一位年長者去圈選區,想來是花了比較多時間在讓年長者領票。
4. 等到進去排隊蓋章、查驗身分及等待領票。我在第一位選務人員那裏蓋完3個章(要投市長、議員、里長),往第二位選務人員那裏走過去準備要蓋領公投票的章,我後面的那個人又要插到我前面去先蓋這個章。

I finished voting. Taiwan has been voting for so long, and we could still observe election chaos at the polling site. The 2 people behind us were talking nonsense there.
1. 18 years old...... (ps. During the election voting period, I will not present any opinions here) 2. Because the place where we lined up is divided into 2 lines, each corresponding to a different neighborhood. The one on the right was going well, our row was stuck for some reason. The latter two people occupied the two lines and chat side by side. The election staff asked the one who should stand behind me in the queue, but instead who occupied the path of other neighborhoods. That person immediately retorted and said, "there is no one here anyway, so why don't you let me stand". Hearing this, her companion pulled her away. Then there were several people walking forward one after another right after this. It turned out that she was blocking the way ahead.
3. The line we lined up didn't move forward for a while. After looking at it a few times, I saw an election officer holding a chair and helping an elderly person to the voting desk. At this time, the two people in the back began to scold the election staff loudly, saying what they were doing, why they couldn't move forward, and the efficiency was so poor. At this time, people farther behind also began to make noise. Since I happened to be at the entrance of the polling station, I could see the ticket collection area from a distance, so I explained to the back that some elderly people had difficulty moving. The people farther behind stopped talking, but the two people in the back began to criticize loudly again, saying what about the elders, why did they make everyone wait in line because of them. If not, don't come. 4. Wait until you enter to line up for stamping, identity verification and waiting for ticket collection. I finished stamping 3 stamps at the first electoral officer (to vote for the mayor, council member, and mayor), and walked over to the second electoral officer to stamp the referendum vote, and the person behind me If you want to get ahead of me, write this chapter first.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Retinitis Pigmentosa

My eyes are afraid of the light.  It takes time for me to regain sight after flashing lights at night time.
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Saturday, October 29, 2022

住戶大會決議公共空間淨空(Residents' meeting resolves public space clearance)



It was voted and decided to clear the public space in the resident meeting of the building. Any stuff / debris placed in the stairwell and aisle will be moved to the 1F atrium for temporary storage, and a notice will be posted for residents to claim. It can be claimed within a week by the resident with record. It must be kept in the household of the household after claiming. If it is piled up in the public space again, it will be handed over to the relevant gov agency to impose a fine. If it is not claimed within a week, it will be treated as waste.

This is a historic moment that deserves a good celebration

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Friday, September 9, 2022

Full-scale dammed lake burst test

Full-scale dammed lake burst test


2018年水保手冊教育訓練 總論篇(陳樹群教授)

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Farmland should be used for agriculture

Farmland should be used for agriculture, but this is not the case in Taiwan.

According to law, the farmland factories built after 5/20/2016 should be demolished. This must be done, and there should be no room for accommodation.  Those farmland factories are not qualified to exist even for the ones built before 5/20/2016. The original purpose of farmland is farming, and even the construction of farmhouses is restricted. How could we tolerate the entire farmland being destroyed and turned into a factory?



根據我們的島(8/22/2022)的報導,理論上:"根據立法院新修訂的工廠管理辦法,5/20/2016 以後興建的農地工廠,依法必須拆除,無法申請納管"

農地工廠下一步|《工輔法》修法後的違章工廠為何還在 (公視-我們的島,8/22/2022)

00:00 片頭 
00:20 前言 
00:46 彰化鹽埔的案例 
03:32 彰化農地違法工廠持續新設 
08:33 《工輔法》修法後,違法工廠申請納管及改善情形 
10:45 政府劃設水五金產業聚落,引發低污染工廠就地合法爭議 
13:51 中小型違章工廠盼政府協助媒合,進入合法工業區 


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Sunday, August 7, 2022

James Lovelock and his Gaia hypothesis

Gaia hypothesis is a hypothesis that every environmentalist has known and remembered in our heart.  Below are the remarks about James Lovelock by the Nature and The Guardian Science Weekly.

James E. Lovelock (1919–2022) 
Inventor who introduced the Gaia hypothesis to environmental science.

James Lovelock and the legacy of his Gaia hypothesis – podcast
The following description is from The Guardian Science Weekly:
James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis, died last Tuesday (7/26/2022) on his 103rd birthday. Known as something of a maverick, the scientist and inventor was one of the most influential thinkers of the past century. Our global environment editor, Jonathan Watts, tells Madeleine Finlay about spending time with Lovelock for his forthcoming biography, the impact of the scientist’s ideas and inventions on the modern world, and how his immense influence will continue to be felt in the critical decades ahead

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Taiwan for Taiwanese, China for Chinese. We are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The taste of freedom



US speaker makes late-night landing (Aug. 3, 2022)

China and Taiwan: A really simple guide (8/2/2022)

Freedom love!
I need these two.
I will sacrifice for my love
The life,
I sacrifice for freedom
My love.

Petőfi Sándor -


Szabadság, szerelem!
E kettő kell nekem.
Szerelmemért föláldozom
Az életet,
Szabadságért föláldozom

(Pest, 1847. január 1.)

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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Smelly highrise building




When I came back to my home on the top floor of the highrise building after work last night, I open the window as usual. The balcony window will be equipped with an exhaust fan to draw out the hot air faster, and the room window will let the outdoor air flow in.

After opening for less than half an hour, the nasty smell of oily smoke came in from the window of the room, so I had to close the window of the room. At this time, the smell of cooking fumes will still float in from the cooker hood in the kitchen. I want to say that the exhaust fan on the balcony should be reversed to draw the outdoor air in, but the smell of smoke will be smelled again.

We are forced to close the windows on both sides, I had to turn on the air conditioner, otherwise, it would be very hot.  It has happened almost everyday, not just last night.  I want to save energy and live environmentally friendly, but the reality makes me unable to do so.

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Sunday, July 31, 2022

How humans adapted to digest lactose

從 ancient pottery fat residue 中知道其來源,所以可以知道人類從什麼時候開始食用乳製品。從族群量知道當時是否面臨生存危機,發現其實人類開始食用乳製品和健康並沒有太大的關係,反而可能是在 famine and/or increased pathogen exposure 所造成的 Nature selection 而開始讓 LP genotype 流傳下來。

The description from Nature podcast: Humans have been drinking milk for thousands of years, but it seems that they were doing so long before the ability to digest it became prevalent. Then, around 2,000 years ago, this ability became common in Europe, presenting a mystery to researchers — why then? Now, by analysing health data, ancient DNA and fats residues from thousands of ancient pots, scientists have worked out what caused this trait to suddenly spread throughout Europe.

Abstract from Nature: In European and many African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian populations, lactase persistence (LP) is the most strongly selected monogenic trait to have evolved over the past 10,000 years1. Although the selection of LP and the consumption of prehistoric milk must be linked, considerable uncertainty remains concerning their spatiotemporal configuration and specific interactions2,3. Here we provide detailed distributions of milk exploitation across Europe over the past 9,000 years using around 7,000 pottery fat residues from more than 550 archaeological sites. European milk use was widespread from the Neolithic period onwards but varied spatially and temporally in intensity. Notably, LP selection varying with levels of prehistoric milk exploitation is no better at explaining LP allele frequency trajectories than uniform selection since the Neolithic period. In the UK Biobank4,5 cohort of 500,000 contemporary Europeans, LP genotype was only weakly associated with milk consumption and did not show consistent associations with improved fitness or health indicators. This suggests that other reasons for the beneficial effects of LP should be considered for its rapid frequency increase. We propose that lactase non-persistent individuals consumed milk when it became available but, under conditions of famine and/or increased pathogen exposure, this was disadvantageous, driving LP selection in prehistoric Europe. Comparison of model likelihoods indicates that population fluctuations, settlement density and wild animal exploitation—proxies for these drivers—provide better explanations of LP selection than the extent of milk exploitation. These findings offer new perspectives on prehistoric milk exploitation and LP evolution.

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Pollinators of the sea: A discovery of animal-mediated fertilization in seaweed

海洋中的 pollinator

Like bees of the sea, crustaceans ‘pollinate’ seaweed  (Jake Buehler, Science News, JULY 28, 2022 AT 2:09 PM)
Animal-driven fertilization may have emerged in the ocean long before it did on land

Pollinators of the sea: A discovery of animal-mediated fertilization in seaweed. Science. (E. Lavaut et al. Science 377 (6605):528, July 29, 2022)
This is the COVER of Science.  All the following description is from Science: An isopod (Idotea balthica), a type of crustacean, covers itself with male gametes while feeding on the epiphytes of the red alga Gracilaria gracilis. Isopods facilitate algal fertilization by carrying spermatia on their bodies. Such animal-mediated fertilization is akin to pollination in flowering plants. See pages 471 and 528. (Photo: Wilfried Thomas, Station Biologique de Roscoff)
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The solution of the Agriculture and Water Administration to the problem of water shortage in Taiwan's agriculture

This is the solution of the Agriculture and Water Administration to the problem of water shortage in Taiwan's agriculture.

Taiwan is the 18th water-scarce country in the world. According to statistics, the annual rainfall exceeds 9 million tons, and the amount of water that can be stored is less than 20%. Taiwan's Farmland and Water Conservancy Administration was inaugurated on October 1, 2020. Last year, Taiwan suffered the worst drought in 56 years. How did the Agriculture and Water Administration exhaust all methods to combat drought, protect the food security needs of the Taiwanese, and help farmers overcome the water shortage? Hope the smart irrigation system will reverse the plight of farmers and make agriculture and the environment sustainable in the future.


主持人:資深媒體人 林佳慧
來賓:農委會農田水利署署長 蔡昇甫

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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Plants change their clocks to flower at the right time

This is a paper that I am interested in. I hope I have time to read it.  I miss doing research and experiment.  I guess I won't have the chance to go back when I walked out the door of the institute on that day.  That's the point of no return.

Plants change their clocks to flower at the right time

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being

This melody of the movie soundtrack "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" sounds on my way to work.  It reminds me of the innocent age that ideally could feed me up as a meal.
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Friday, July 22, 2022

Hot summer

It is hot now.  

Our ceiling without insulation: 40.2 Celsius.
Our ceiling with one layer of Al spacer insulation: 36.8 Celsius.
Our ceiling with one layer of Al insulation spacer blanket (鋁隔毯) and Phenolic insulation board (酚醛板): 33.6 Celsius.
Current room temperature: 32.4 Celsius.

I did the measurement at 20:14 on 7/22/2022.  I used TES 1326S Infrared Thermometer to measure the temperature.  It is TAF certified and made in Taiwan.

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Raspberry Pi Cameras

Very detailed and in-depth introduction to Raspberry Pi Cameras. Wa!

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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Blue and yellow macaw

When we waited for the traffic lights at the intersection of Linsen Road and Chongming Rd. this afternoon (7/16/2022), we saw a blue-and-yellow macaw standing on the front of the motorcycle.  At the moment, I wanted to take pictures of this parrot, but I thought that taking pictures of the parrot would include the car owner in the photo together.  Then I should ask the car owner if it is OK for me to take pictures of him, so as not to infringe on the right to portrait.  Finally, I didn't take pictures in the end.
When the light turned green and the motorcycle drove forward, the parrot, which was originally standing facing the owner, turned around and stood with its head facing forward with its wings slightly spread. Is s/he enjoying the feeling of rising into the wind?

7/16/2022,在林森路及崇明路口等紅綠燈時,看到旁邊機車車頭上站著一隻 藍黃金剛鸚鵡。當下很想拍下這隻鸚鵡的英姿,但是想到拍鸚鵡就會拍到車主,拍車主還要先詢問是否可以讓我拍照,以免侵犯肖像權,所以最後就沒拍。

Search with the keywords "blue and yellow macaw" on Google

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Saturday, July 16, 2022

Rehearsal of the 500 Drone show rehearsal in the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum

The rehearsal of the 500 drone show in the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum was performed on 7/15/2022 night. The nearly 16-minute video was compressed to almost 3 minutes of time-lapse. Tonight is the official premiere.

7/15/2022 在故宮南院的無人機群飛預演,將近16分鐘的影片,被我縮時壓縮成接近3分鐘,當然檔案大小也從 10GB 壓縮成 61MB。今天晚上是正式首演。

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Friday, July 15, 2022

Egg-carrying land crabs

This is the record of two egg-carrying land crabs passing by when my colleagues were doing tests at Anping Airfield this evening, and they both disappeared safely from their field of vision.


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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Rock it, 2Cello

2Cello is a band that has turned the cello performance into a rock star show.  In addition to the cello's deep composure, as well as crazy rock or percussion-style playing.  A broken bow is a common sight in their performance.

這是一個將大提琴演奏變成搖滾巨星演唱會的樂團。除了大提琴既有的幽深沉穩,也有瘋狂的搖滾或打擊樂器式的演奏,弓弦被彈斷是常見的景象。以下是一些 Youtubes。

From Wiki: 
2Cello is a Croatian cellist duo, consisting of classically trained cellists, Luka Šulić and Stjepan Hauser. Signed to Sony Masterworks since 2011, they have released five albums. They play instrumental arrangements of well-known pop and rock songs, as well as classical and film music.

2CELLOS - Smooth Criminal [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (pop one)

2CELLOS - LIVE at Sydney Opera House [FULL CONCERT]

2CELLOS - Smells Like Teen Spirit [Live at Sydney Opera House] (rocky one)

2CELLOS - Wake Me Up - Avicii [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (rocky and funny one)

2CELLOS - Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (rocky one with traditional cloth)

2CELLOS - Seven Nation Army (rocky one)

2CELLOS - "Back to the Roots" FULL CONCERT 2015 (classical)

2CELLOS - Pirates Of The Caribbean [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

HAUSER - "Live in Zagreb" FULL Classical Concert

2CELLOS - LIVE at Arena di Verona 2016 [FULL CONCERT]

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

My favorite cellist: Jacqueline du Pré

The first time I knew Jacqueline du Pré was thru the movie Hilary and Jackie.  

I know that a movie wouldn't tell the 100% truth because of the dramatic tension and audience, but at least it gave me a chance to see and hear something in an early year without so much internet.


Jacqueline du Pre & Daniel Barenboim - Elgar Cello Concerto

Jacqueline du Pré - Bach, Suites for Solo Cello No. 1 & 2 

Jacqueline du Pré - Dvořák Cello Concerto – London Symphony Orchestra cond. Daniel Barenboim

Jacqueline Du Pré performs Schumann: Cello Concerto in 1962 with the BBC Symphony Orchestra (AUDIO)

古典音樂 5001 殤--徐嘉良作曲,韓慧雲演奏--2 1 懷念Jacqueline du Pre 賈桂琳杜普蕾 dlfu 哆啦F勇 沈建志(Classical Music 5001 Sadness--Composed by Galon Hsu, performed by Han Huiyun--2 1 Remembering Jacqueline du Pre dlfu Dora F Yong Shen Jianzhi)
殤 (協奏曲) ( wiki說:2001年,為旗下歌手陳冠蒲的個人專輯所寫的〈太多〉,先後成為多部電視劇的主題曲或片尾曲,後來他將該首歌〈太多〉的旋律改成大提琴獨奏曲,改名為〈殤〉,作為電視劇《倩女幽魂》的配樂,卻意外讓〈殤〉成為著名的大提琴演奏曲。)
Sadness (Concert): In 2001, "Too Much", written for his singer Edison Chen's personal album, has become the theme song or ending song of many TV series. Later, he changed the melody of the song "Too Much" into a cello solo and renamed it as "Sadness". "Sadness", as the soundtrack of the TV series "A Chinese Ghost Story", unexpectedly made it a famous cello piece.

Bibliography and interview: 
Tribute to Jacqueline du Pré | by AllegroFilms

Daniel Barenboim & Jacqueline du Pré about their love story

Jacqueline du Pré: a previously unpublished intimate interview

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Sunday, July 10, 2022


看到別人 5/15/2022 轉貼,活動到 7/15 結束,好想參加啊,但是勢必做不完了,這是太久沒看FB的結果了。寫email 去詢問詹研究員,他說活動延後到 7/31/2022才結束,我就馬上去參加了。
轉貼一個中研院永續科學計畫所正在進行的城市聲景研究,希望透過更多人的參與,讓我們更了解都市中的環境噪音現況,並且探討噪音暴露對於身心健康的危害,調查的時間是 2022/5/16 - 2022/7/15,前300位完成填答任務者,可獲得早鳥獎勵-超商電子商品卡400元,所有參與完成任務者,還有另外的抽獎,歡迎大家參加喔!



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Sounds in NCKU

最近參加了 "聲感地圖現行錄",開始記錄周遭生活中的環境聲音。平常都是公司、馬路、家裡的聲音,只有周末才會有一些不同的聲音。




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Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suite

I decided to find myself back. The first step, also the easiest step, is to listen to cellos, especially my favorite: Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suite.

Youtube is the best place to look for this. Here is what I found

Yo Yo Ma - Bach Six Cello Suites - BBC Proms 2015 (only audio, no video)
J.S. Bach: 6 Suites for Cello Solo (Full Album) played by István Várdai (only audio, no video)
Bach - Complete Cello Suites (Massimiliano Martinelli) (only audio, no video)
The Cello Song - (Bach is back with 7 more cellos) - The Piano Guys (audio+video)

The Story Behind the Bach Cello Suites, And Why We Still Love Them Today (By David Rutherford · Jul. 25, 2018, 9:28 pm) 

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Friday, July 8, 2022

Smell of burning plastics

We usually open windows and turn on the exhaust fan installed on our balcony after we get home. We try to let outdoor air flow in to refresh indoor air and lower the temperature.

Unfortunately, Southern Taiwan has serious air pollution problem, so it is not suitable to open windows sometimes.

We smelled burning plastics when we got home last night, so no open window at all.

It was North wind last night, it must come from the north if there was anything happening.  But I couldn't find anything special from TWEPA Air Quality Monitoring Network (

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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Bonus Performance: Verge Aero Delivers a Gorgeous Drone Show | AGT: Extreme 2022

After seeing many drone performances, I still think this one is the best drone performance I have ever seen.  Smooth image transitions, the sense of river flow through the sky, the color change, etc.

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VIO = Visual inertial odometry = 視覺 + IMU

What's the VIO?

VIO = Visual inertial odometry = 視覺 + IMU

I hope I can have a small UAS as Auterion to fly in the place without GNSS.

In the following website (, it said 

"Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) is a computer vision technique used for estimating the 3D pose (local position and orientation) and velocity of a moving vehicle relative to a local starting position. It is commonly used to navigate a vehicle in situations where GPS is absent or unreliable (e.g. indoors, or when flying under a bridge).

VIO uses Visual Odometry (opens new window)to estimate vehicle pose from camera images, combined with inertial measurements from the vehicle IMU (to correct for errors associated with rapid vehicle movement resulting in poor image capture).

This topic shows how to set up PX4 and a companion computer to use the supported VIO setup."

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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Chocolate is my favorite

I love chocolate.  I am surprised to see that there are some links that are not chocolate-related stuffs when I used "choco" as a keyword to search in Google.

Choco Department is a department (province/region) of Western Colombia.  It looks it is pretty and worth visiting.

Chocoshop is a women's underwear shop in Taiwan.

What's a surprise!  

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Vegetative phase, reproductive phase, then what

I have passed reproductive age.  From the point of view of plants, it is not only passed the vegetative phase, but also the reproductive phase.

It seems that we shouldn't look at life this way, otherwise it's like...

However, photosynthesis provides energy for plants to grow, plants stretch their body under the sun.  This kind of plant life has always been a desirable life. However, in this world, we have to face climate change, face the endless expansion and deforestation by human beings, scary insects, etc.  It seems that plant life is not easy.

我已經過了生育的年齡了,從植物角度來看,那不但是已經過了 vegetative phase,也過了 reproductive phase 嗎?....



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Application of smart images in agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry

This is a speech given by Professor Yanfu Kuo from the Department of  Biomechatronics Engineering at the National Taiwan University. Those who are interested in smart images and AI models can listen it.

這是台大生機系郭彥甫老師的演講 "智慧影像在農林漁牧的應用",對於智慧影像及AI模型有興趣的人,可以來聽聽看喔。

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Monday, July 4, 2022

High Frequency Noise

My colleague was doing 3D printing in the office today.  He did it in the office instead of in the mechanical workspace. The high-frequency noise made me uncomfortable and headache.  I asked him not to do it in the office area, otherwise, I would not be able to work at all. 

In the beginning, he said that he didn't feel anything about the noise, so he thought it wouldn't matter at all.  After I complained 3 times, he finally moved it to another place to carry on his work.

I'm actually a little helpless, why these people could work in such a noisy environment and feel nothing.  Why do they have to speak with a quarreling volume while chatting or discussion things.  Could we just use a normal voice to talk?

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A simple Microwave Brownie recipe

We don't have time to make Brownie from scratch, so we use Ghirardelli Chocolate Triple Chocolate.

Unfortunately, it is too sweet, so we made a little bit of adjustment.

1 pouch mix
+ 100 g flour
+ 1 tsp salt

-> mix well

+ 80 g water (1/3 cup water)
+ 65 g vegetable oil (1/3 cup vegetable oil)
+ 2 eggs

-> mix well

-> Microwave with Medium power (i.e. power 2) for 12 min
-> Microwave with Low power (i.e. power 5) for another 5 min

(note) We added some raisins this time and it tastes OK.

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Losing ourselves

No one was working in the lab at night and on weekends when I studied in the USA.  Security guards even came to drive people home after 7 pm at the USDA.

When working in Australia, people started to leave work from 4:00 pm, and almost no one stayed in the laboratory after 6:00 pm.

At TORI, it is basically the same, people work on regular working hours.  But in the industry, the boss or the cooperative team expects employees to be available and work at night and on weekends. Why! Is the quality of life so unimportant?  What have we achieved while losing ourselves?

I want to get myself back.  I have to change because I don't need to be alive if my life has no me in there.



在 TORI時,基本上也是如此,但是到了業界,業主或老闆或合作團隊都期待員工可以24小時工作和待命。為什麼啊!難道生活品質這麼不重要?在失去自我的同時,我們到底成就了什麼?

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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Endless noise

It's a world full of noise, including noise from auditory, visual, and olfactory. 

I am tired of hearing, seeing, and smelling all of these. I don't understand why a person needs to use a loud voice to talk to me when I stand just next to the person.  I don't understand why people need to use super blight flashing neon lights to attract customers, drivers use very bright head and tail lights everywhere.

I'm envious of people who can shut off their five senses anytime at will.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

台南梅嶺竹子尖山步道(Meiling Zhuzijian Mountain, Tainan, Taiwan)





這次真的是好累,因為上下山的坡度,常常是 30 度到45度之間,路旁有繩子可以抓,但是現在一點都不想抓繩子。不過雖然很累,再加上霧濛濛的,但風景真的不錯,曾文水庫及南化水庫都看到了,空氣中瀰漫著草木的清香。

4/4/2022 Travel to Meiling Zhuzijian Mountain:

Meiling Zhuzijian Mountain is the #67 of little One Hundred Peaks.   The Zhuzijianshan weather station is located at the second-class triangle point which is 1109 meters above MSL.

I felt my feet were almost soft when I climbed the mountain, and my feet trembled when I went down the mountain. We parked at the second-floor parking lot which is 633 meters above MSL. We climbed to the second-class triangle point where the Zhuzijianshan weather station is located next to it.

Seeing a lot of plums hanging on plum trees along hiking trails, I think most people should come to eat plum chicken, and very few people actually go mountain climbing.

When I went down the mountain, my legs were trembling. Every step of the stairs was trembling when I walked down. It should be caused by overuse of the muscles. I felt my legs shaking when I stood still.  My walking posture is a bit strange while walking forward, and it shook or swung strangely from time to time.

I was really tired this time. The slope of hiking trails of this mountain is usually between 30 and 45 degrees. There are ropes on the roadside to grab, but I don’t want to grab the ropes at all now. However, although it was very tiring and it was foggy, the scenery was really good. I could see both Zengwen Reservoir and Nanhua Reservoir, and the air was filled with the fragrance of grass and trees.




18:46 在車子外面吃了餅乾糖果。

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