Monday, October 17, 2011

World Food Day and Taiwan's Farmland

I just found that yesterday is World Food Day & Blog Action Day (ps. see WORLD FOOD DAY & BLOG ACTION DAY THROUGH THE FARM LEN).

This is an email I wrote to my parents about Taiwan's farmland. More than half of Taiwan's farmland is being transferred to luxury houses, university campuses, industrial parks & centers, amusement parks, etc. gradually in the past 10 years. Taiwan's legislation Yuan passed several law/regulations in year 1999 and 2000 which encourage people to destroy farmland and speeds up the process.

Taiwan's Food Self-Sufficiency Ratio (糧食自給率) is only 32.7% and our government and several legislators still encourage people to destroy farmland.




首先應該是看一下法規的變化,特別是規範農業發展的農業發展條例及農舍興建的農業用地興建農舍辦法 (4/26/2001 頒佈12條條文,6/6/2004 修正第3條)。

1999年當時對農發條例的修改議論紛紛,當時農委會主委彭作奎也因反對修農業發展條例中的農舍問題而辭官 (例:彭作奎辭官風波:彭作奎返興大暢談農發條例 (12/14/1999,聯合報)),環保團體及學者們也紛紛連署上書反對 (例:李遠哲等建議農發條例選後再議 (12/16/1999,中國時報)),但是農發條例的修正案還是在立法院通過。

2005年,一些立委再度提出農發條例修正案 (第六屆立法院 院總第956號委員提案第6088號),要將可自由興建農舍的農地基地面積由當時的 0.25 公頃 (2.5 分) 縮小為 0.1 公頃 (1分 = 293.4坪 = 969.917 平方公尺),並在2007年12月12日在立法院經濟及能源委員會初審通過,引起軒然大波,環保團體及學者繼續大力反對 (例:農發條例第18條修正案加速滅農 (12/18/2007,立報),立法院「修正農業發展條例第十八條條文草案」公聽會 (1/10/2007)),還好最後還是擋下對第18條的修正案,不然農地就會被分割成更小,而農舍就會更多了。提案委員:蔡勝佳、鍾紹和、沈智慧、李全教、王昱婷、楊瓊瓔 ,連署人:李鴻鈞 、陳朝容、黃敏惠、柯淑敏、呂學樟、張碩文、徐耀昌、張慶忠、鄭金玲、邱毅、吳志揚、何智輝、 孫大千、傅箟萁、林正峰、蔡 豪、林春德、郭素春、紀國棟、朱鳳芝、蔡正元、林滄敏、謝國樑、林益世、李嘉進、陳根德、吳敦義、劉政鴻、吳清池、陳志彬、蔡錦隆。

4.中華民國七十五年一月六日總統(75)華總(一)義字第 0056 號令修正公布第 2 條條文
5.中華民國八十九年一月二十六日總統(88)華總(一)義字第 8900017370 號令修正公布全文 77 條;並自公布日施行

既然那個重要的修法是在 2000 年發生,所以應該要比較一下2000年修法前後的條文差別,特別是提到農舍興建的第18條條文:

農業發展條例 (民國74年立法75年公布):沒有農舍的條例,當時的第18條法條如下:

農業發展條例 (民國89年)
第18條:本條例中華民國八十九年一月四日修正施行後取得農業用地之農民,無自用農舍而需興建者,經直轄市或縣(市)主管機關核定,於不影響農業生產環境及農村發展,得申請以集村方式或在自有農業用地興建農舍。.... 主管機關對以集村方式興建農舍者應予獎勵,並提供必要之協助;其獎勵及協助辦法,由中央主管機關定之。

我們可以發現,在 2000 年初修法前,並沒有開放農地建農舍的條例,但是在修法之後就可以在自有農業用地興建農舍了,而且不但是可以蓋,主管機關還要給予獎勵及協助。




1. 國民黨高雄議長許崑源:屏東縣新埤鄉,地號萬隆段1019號,面積5292平方公尺(約1600坪),四、五千萬豪華農舍。
2. 國民黨立委鍾紹和:高雄縣美濃農牧用地,蓋超級帝王般住宅,面積1336坪。
3. 國民黨立委趙麗雲兼立法院黨團書記長:新北市深坑,阿柔坑段地號0029號,豪華大型道場,面積3659平方公尺(約1108坪)。
4. 民進黨副總統候選人蘇嘉全:屏東縣長治鄉,農地面積為 2505 平方公尺 (757坪),農舍興建面積為 250.47 平方公尺 (75.7坪)。



台灣的糧食自給率只有32%,澳洲的糧食生產量足夠供6千萬人食用 (ps. 澳洲只有2千1百萬人) 尚且擔心農地被侵佔及未來的饑荒問題,台灣有什麼本錢繼續毀農業棄農地呢?

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Friday, October 14, 2011

The Arabidopsis Book

For people who are doing plant science research.

The Arabidopsis Book (TAB) is a free-access peer-reviewed serial publication that is supported by the American Society of Plant Biologists.

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ASPB: Phycologist and Plant Biologist

Plants in the News - Plant biologist receives Australian Science Minister's Prize for Life Scientist
The paper they, Dr. Min Chen etc., published on Science has addressed their discover about chlorophyll f with far red absorption (706 nanometers) and fluorescence (722 nanometers) in vitro. Dr. Chen is an associate professor at the University of Sydney.

Former ASPB president Elisabeth Gantt wins Phycological Society's highest award

The citation for Gantt as published in the PSA's Phycological Newsletter is as follows:
Dr. Ganttʼs numerous contributions to phycology span nearly 50 years and include the discovery of the distinctive localization of the phycobiliproteins in rhodophytan and cryptophytan chloroplasts, with studies leading to the isolation, purification, and characterization of Porphyridium cruentum and cyanobacterial phycobilisomes. More recently, she has contributed to the understanding of different aspects of the biosynthesis and roles of carotenoids. She continues to move into new fields, as exemplified by her current involvement in the Porphyra umbilicalis genome project. In 1994 she received the Gilbert Morgan Smith Medal from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and was subsequently elected to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 1996.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

10th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

Ten days before Sep. 11, 2001, I stood on the roof of the WTC (World Trade Center) to enjoy the view with my ex-boyfriend.

Everybody was talking together and stood in front of computer while I walked into the office in USDA, Beltsville, MD, USA in the morning of Sep. 11, 2001. I could see shocking, scare and confusion on their face. Then everybody was asked to go home because USDA is federal building which makes it a possible target of terrorist attack.

I couldn't do anything except watching TV news again and again with tears whole day in that day. My friend works in the USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office) told me that he saw the thick smoke from the Pentagon in his office before he was asked to go home.

I will go back there one day in the future to memorize those people who died in that day and hope their family and friends will find enough peace to themselves. The most important is that I want to see its rebirth.

9/11 Anniversary (by NY Daily News)
Share Your Story: The September 11th Memory Wall

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Taiwanese Mung Bean Cake

Next Monday (Sep 12, 2011) is Moon Festival Holiday. Taiwanese Mung Bean Cake (綠豆椪,綠豆凸) is one of my favorite desert for this holiday. I am not sure why I wanted to eat desert so much today, but I was thinking about Chocolate Bavarian Cheesecake originally. Anyway it ends up making Taiwanese Mung Bean Cake. Here is the recipe and how we made it. It is pure vegetarian style using extra virgin olive oil to replace lard (pork fat) and butter. I add much less sugar because I don't like super sweet desert.

(1) Prepare vegetarian mung bean filling (素綠豆餡)
375g washed Mung bean (with skin, 帶殼綠豆) + 750g water in inner pot (內鍋)
-> Soak 2 hours (浸泡 2 小時)
-> Add 1 cup water in cooker (外鍋) to steam ~20 min, then keep warm in pot another 20 min
-> Mash them and cook with low power fire 2-3 min to dry a little bit (搗成泥狀,小火加熱 2-3 分鐘使湯汁略收乾)
-> Continue cook with low power fire while adding 35g extra virgin olive oil and 130g brown sugar (拌入橄欖油及糖) until it can form a ball by hand
-> Cool down and make 30g ball each. Freeze the left over for next time.

(2) Prepare oil skin (油皮) (prepare with bread maker)
76g warm water + 150g All-purpose flour + 10g sugar + 38g extra virgin olive oil (add by this order)
-> Knead about 10 min
-> Cover with plastic wrap and rest 30-40 min @ room temperature
-> Separate to 22 balls (~12g each)

(3) Prepare pasty (油酥)
200g All-purpose flour + 70g extra virgin olive oil
-> Knead gently
-> Cover with plastic wrap and rest 30-40 min @ fridge
-> Separate to 22 balls (~12g each)

(4)Prepare oil-skin pasty dough (油皮油酥麵團)
Use rolling pin to flat oil skin (桿麵棍將油皮桿平)
-> Wrap pasty (油酥) in, flat it to elliptical shape with rolling pin, roll it up, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 15 min (將油酥包入油皮,將包好的麵團稍微壓一下橄成橢圓形薄片,光滑面在下,由短向捲起,收口朝下,蓋上保鮮膜讓麵團休息15分鐘)
-> Flat it with rolling pin again, roll up to short rod-shape, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 15 min. This is the oil-skin pasty dough(將休息好的麵團橄成長形後翻面,由短向捲起,蓋上保鮮膜讓麵團休息15分鐘)
-> Use thumb to push the middle of this dough down and push two ends toward middle, then push this dough flat (休息完成的油皮油酥麵團收口朝上,用大姆指從中間壓下,2端往中間折起捏一下,將麵團壓扁)
-> Flat the dough with rolling pin and put ~30g filling in middle(將麵團橄成直徑約10-12cm 圓形薄片,光滑面在外,中間放上適當內餡)
-> Wrap and seal it, then put it upside down (利用虎口將麵團收口朝內捏緊,成為一個圓形即可,收口朝下)
-> 170 oC 10 min, then 150 oC 15 min (or 165-185 oC 15-20 min or 160 oC 30 min)

祝大家中秋節快樂! 綠豆沙餅(可素食)

簡易【綠豆沙餡DIY】 (with dairy product)

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Something to replace discontinued Google Dictionary

I am still not happy that Google stopped Google Dictionary on Aug 5, 2011 suddenly. Google translate sucks. It is nonsense to do whole web search just for the definition(s) of a word.

If I just need to use English to write English stuff, then it is fine to use "define" web search. Unfortunately I need to write and read things between different languages, then an English <> multi-language dictionary is necessary. I have stopped my proposal writing since Aug 6, 2011 because I have trouble to translate those information and terms from English and Japanese papers to Traditional Chinese and vice versa now.

I need a good online dictionary which can keep updating the definition and example sentences of many words. I don't think Google will bring Google Dictionary back, so I am trying something new. Dictionary Blend and are on my list.

Some links:

Google closes its Dictionary site, wants you to "search" for definitions instead

Google Dictionary and service for a variety of online dictionaries

Why is google dictionary no longer available?
(Note) This is Google's official site. I don't think that Google has intention to solve or fix the problem. Anyway it is useless and improper to say any bad word toward anyone.

EASISEE Dictionary
(Note)I don't know who created this, but I think this might be a possible good one. More detail information is on Google's Unofficial Dictionary API. I will need to try more word search to see if it works well. It is quite similar to old google dictionary. It gives translation, example sentences and links to more information. Its interface is very simple and clean.

No More Standalone Google Dictionary

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

E-Learning: Ecological Economics from the Bottom-Up

I think this is quite useful.

E-Learning: Ecological Economics from the Bottom-Up

Accessed via the Moodle in the project website, 25 students from across the globe took part in this interactive course from April-July 2010, made up of lectures featuring slides and audio, case study readings, a glossary of ecological economics terms and other resources (the case studies and glossary are now available as a single resource, download the CEECEC Handbook here), online discussion forums and assignments. Students came from largely NGO, but also university and public/private sector backgrounds and offered overwhelmingly positive feedback on their course experience, with of course some welcome suggestions for improvement.
Access sample lectures here:
Forestry and Communities in Cameroon
Environmental Justice and Ecological Debt in Belgium
Payments for Ecosystems Services in India

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Cell Phone is listed as a Carcinogenic Hazard

I used to have 2 cell phones. I don't have anyone now because I don't want to use it and I prefer to have my own private life. I hope nobody will force me to get one in the future.

WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk
By Danielle Dellorto, CNN (May 31, 2011)

Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."
What that means is they found some evidence of increase in glioma and acoustic neuroma brain cancer for mobile phone users, but have not been able to draw conclusions for other types of cancers

"The biggest problem we have is that we know most environmental factors take several decades of exposure before we really see the consequences," said Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

"What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain," Black said. "So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones."


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Thursday, March 10, 2011


I am interested in algae. There are microalgae and macroalgae. Seaweed is one of macroalgae. Seaweed and marine algae can be a daily vegetable, valuable nutrients and health food, aquaculture food, ingredient in cosmetic sunscreen, etc., provide a clue while searching anti-malaria drug, or a bio-factory of biofuel.

Marine algae by Dr Alan J.K. Millar, Principal Research Scientist & Yola Metti (The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust)

My research work with the Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust has resulted in the discovery of more than 50 new species of seaweeds. When you're in the Royal Botanic Garden look over the wall into Farm Cove and if it’s low tide you may be able to spot the seaweeds below - especially one that looks like green fettucini, called Caulerpa filiformis, and also a brown kelp called Ecklonia radiata. These are just two of the 2000 different species of seaweeds we have in Australia - the continent with the richest seaweed flora on earth.


Dr Nicholas Paul, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, AU

I have a broad interest in the biology of aquaculture organisms, and specifically the role that seaweeds (macroalgae) play in sustainable aquaculture. One of my goals is to deliver cost-effective and robust forms of integrated aquaculture to the diverse types of aquaculture in tropical Australia. I have worked extensively on the interactions between seaweeds and their environment (including herbivores), which will be integral to establishing a productive and valuable seaweed industry in Australia.

Seaweed clues to anti-malaria drug (23rd February 2011, The Queensland Times)
SEAWEED emits a natural chemical response to ward off fungi that would otherwise colonise an injured plant, a process that could help the search for anti-malaria drugs, a US scientist says.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Seaweed emits a natural chemical response to ward off fungi that would otherwise colonize an injured plant, a process that could help the search for anti-malaria drugs, a US scientist said Monday.

Seaweed Extract: Marrawah GOLD™ Seaweed Extract
Seaweed (kelp) has been used as a rich source of organic plant nutrients for centuries. Seaweed contains numerous minerals and every essential trace element, simple and complex carbohydrates, and a number of plant growth hormones.

COSMETICS BECOMING 'GREENER' (The West Australian, April 5, 2010)
"Marine algae work far better against the sun than synthetic sunscreens," Mr Roussis said.

The good news for animals is that research increasingly is tested on bits of reconstructed human skin, made from human foreskin cells (keratinocytes) from one or several donors, grown in-vitro for between a week and a month.

Australia government - Department of Sustainability, Water, Population and Communities - Australian Biological Resources Study

Algae databases and online resources
Algae of Australia Glossary (Last updated: Monday, 26-Oct-2009)
Compiled by John M. Huisman & Timothy J. Entwisle
This glossary contains terms likely to be used in volumes of the Algae of Australia. References used in its compilation are given at the end of the chapter. Where possible, the definitions conform with those in the Flora of Australia and Fungi of Australia, but some have meanings peculiar to algae. Specialised terms will be included in the relevant volumes.

Algal Production Group in SARDI, South Australia government
The Algal Production group is focused on providing practical and cost effective Algal Production Systems (APS) for use in aquaculture, nutrient remediation, nutraceuticals, bioenergy and in biofixation of carbon. The group is committed to delivering to its clients concept design, laboratory testing, proof-of-concept scale trials and pilot commercial scale trials. This is achieved using in-house skills, collaborations and specialised infrastructure.


Defining Micro and Macro Algae
Microalgae: small microscopic aquatic photosynthetic plants that require the aid of a microscope to be seen.
In a previously posted Web article written by Nick Dakin titled Algae Enhancement, when addressing the topic of Micro vs Macro, he stated that, " 'Micro' applies to single-cell or groups of cells joined together. Their existence may be encountered as drifting phytoplankton or substrate occupiers and include the nuisance forms of 'slime' algae, as well as the welcome rock encrusting calcareous forms".
So, if these algae are microscopic, then why can you see them in your aquarium? This is easy. When these single-celled microscopic algae organisms join or chain themselves together in large enough numbers, they then become visible to the unaided human eye.

Even though red slime (cyanobacteria), brown (diatom) and some dinoflagelattes are not "true" algae at all, these fall into the microalgae category.

Macroalgae: large aquatic photosynthetic plants that can been seen without the aid of a microscope.
Nick Dakin further explained in his Micro vs Macro discussion that," 'Macro' always refers to the larger species and can easily be recognizable as plants. These are generally the ones that attract the marine aquarist."
Macroalgae come in many colors including green, red, brown and blue, as well as in a variety of forms - some growing tall, with others growing as mats. The most familiar types can be generally divided into three groups: Green (Chlorophyta), Red (Rhodophyta), and Brown-Kelps (Phaeophyta - related to Chromista).

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Seeing Believing?

I am just watching the documentary "Is Seeing Believing" on SBS. I think it is quite interesting to know how illusions trick our sense. It suggests all our senses (hear, touch, see, taste and smell) working together to shape our reception of outside world. They do not work independently and could replace others.

Description of this documentary on SBS: Can you really believe your eyes? This program reveals some of the strangest illusions created by science to show how our natural senses really work and how we could learn to manipulate them.

Videos of "Is Seeing Believing?"

BBC - BBC Two Programmes - Horizon, 2010-2011, Is Seeing Believing?
Series exploring topical scientific issues.
Horizon explores the strange and wonderful world of illusions - and reveals the tricks they play on our senses and why they fool us.
We show how easy it is to trick your sense of taste by changing the colours of food and drink, explain how what you see can change what you hear, and see just how unreliable our sense of colour can be.
But all this trickery has a serious purpose. It's helping scientists to create a new understanding of how our senses work - not as individual senses, but connected together.
It holds the intriguing possibility that one sense could be mapped into another. This is what happened to Daniel Kish, who lost his sight as a child. He is now able to create a vision of the world by clicking his tongue which allows him to echolocate like a bat.
And in a series of MRI scans, scientists are now looking to find out if Daniel's brain may have actually rewired itself enabling him to use sound to create a visual image of the world.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Steamed Carrot Cake

It is Lunar New Year now. We went to do shopping in Asia store yesterday and decided to make steam carrot cake today. Rice (Oryza sativa) contains several different cultivars. The one we Taiwanese like is japonica (蓬萊米) which is short or medium grain. The one we use to make steamed carrot/beetrook cake (蘿蔔糕/菜頭粿), rice noodle (米粉), etc. is indica (在來米) which is long grain. The one to make sticky rice dumping (粽子) is glutinous (sticky rice, 糯米).

White carrot: 450 g
Red carrot: 150 g
Indica rice powder (在來米粉): 200 g
Tapioca powder (太白粉): 20 g
Salt: 5 g
Fried shallot (油蔥酥): some (~1/2 TBP)
Dried radish seche (菜脯粒): some (~1/2 TBP)
Chicken bouillon powder: 1/2 teaspoon

Shred carrots then steam with 250mL H2O in outer pot of Tatung rice cooker
-> Mix all the other ingredients, then put them into soft steamed shredded carrot
-> Stir mix, then steam with 150+150mL H2O in outer pot of Tatung rice cooker
(i.e. use 150mL first, then add another 150mL again after 10 min without opening the lid)
-> Let it cool down before eating

[Ref links]
1. "在來米"&"在來米粉"?


2. 〈客家美食〉何謂在萊米、蓬萊米以及糯米
在萊米(秈稻)形細長,直鏈澱粉含量>25% ,煮飯時之加水量為米量之2.1倍,米飯不粘、鬆散、較硬、無光澤,部分品種有香味。

3. 有關做年糕/蘿蔔糕
粘米粉200g (ps. 在來米粉)
白蘿蔔600g (ps. 也可以用紅蘿蔔喔)

因為我既沒電子秤也沒刨刀好把白蘿蔔削成絲,所以我是直接用大約半條的白蘿蔔切絲備用,再加上乾香菇泡軟切絲備用,還有少許紅蘿蔔絲(有臘腸或乾蝦仁就加 沒有也不影響 ),另外我沒用鹽而是用一塊高湯塊取代,因為愛吃辣也加了少許的紅辣椒粉跟白胡椒粉。


4. 【電鍋食譜】 蘿蔔糕

水磨在來米粉 500g
水 1120g (約7米杯)
白蘿蔔 兩條 (忘記秤,大小約20cm,直徑約5~6cm)
紅蘿蔔 半條 (配色用)
鹽 少許
糖 少許


1. 先將白蘿蔔與紅蘿蔔削皮後,刨成絲,內鍋加少許的水(約10g,不加水應該也可以),在加入少許的鹽與糖,外鍋倒入2杯水,按下煮飯鍵,把紅白蘿蔔絲蒸軟。
2. 蘿蔔絲蒸軟後,加入再來米粉與水調成糊狀,放入電鍋,外鍋加兩杯水,按下煮飯鍵即可。
3. 電鍋按鍵跳起來後,約15分鐘後再掀外鍋蓋,用筷子插入蘿蔔糕中,如果沒有糊狀沾粘,表示已經熟透了,那就可以端出來等蘿蔔糕放涼之後,即可食用。

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Earthwise Power Saver

I just saw the introduction of Earthwise Power Saver on Today Tonight. If it is true that it can cut down up to 35% electric usage and also drop electromagnetic radiation to acceptable level, then it is something worth to install even it costs $1300 to $1700.

Welcome to Earthwise Power Savers

Power saver (Channel 7 Today Tonight on Jan 31, 2011)

"The technology has been around for approximately 30 years and it was first invented in Germany but it wasn't really needed then because power prices were really cheap," Mr Hourigan said.

It's called the Earthwise Power Saver and Geoff has adapted the German technology for Australian conditions.

Essentially, it is a device that controls the flow of electricity to appliances so they get the right amount rather than too much, and the savings it can generate are up to 35% of your electricity costs.

"At the moment power is coming into your house all static bumping up and down, but after the Power Saver is installed it is just a clean, true line so it will actually run cleaner, cooler and last longer," Mr Hourigan said.

Independent testing so far shows promising results. Electrical engineer Greg Paxton has worked with the CSIRO and federal and state governments which are interested in the Power Saver’s potential.

Greg's very optimistic as he has seen the clear evidence that it actually does work. He claims anyone can see that it reduces the current used by the apparatus which is consuming the power.

Internet based Panacea University electrical engineer Ashworth Palise agrees.

"In my opinion, it has shown successful results. It works," he said.

Geoff is meeting with Queensland government in the next fortnight and has already installed 300 Power Savers into private homes and is anxiously anticipating their next power bills. The Power Saver also cuts down electromagnetic radiation which all electrical appliances emit and have been linked to cancer.

"A lot of people know it as dirty power. When we turn the Power Saver on and [electromagnetic radiation] will drop to the acceptable level of dirty power that should be in your house," Mr Hourigan said.

Depending on the size the Power Saver ranges in price from $1,300 to $1,700 installed. Geoff believes the unit will pay for itself within two years and guarantees it works.

"We'll give you your money back or we'll test the unit to make sure the unit is working first."

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chia (Salvia hispanica)

I thought that I have put information of chia in my blog when I first saw it on ABC Landline, but I didn't find it. Anyway here it is. If it can grow well in Australia, then it should be able to grow in Taiwan. Hmmm, spelt (Triticum spelta) (a hexaploid species of wheat) and lupin (aka Lupinus or lupines, a genus in the legume family (Fabaceae)) might be also good for health.

Salvia hispanica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Salvia
Species: S. hispanica
Binomial name
Salvia hispanica
L., 1753

Salvia hispanica, commonly known as Chia, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. Folklore attests it was cultivated by the Aztec in pre-Columbian times, and was so valued that it was given as an annual tribute by the people to the rulers. It is still used in Mexico and Guatemala, with the seeds sometimes ground, while whole seed is used for nutritious drinks and as a food source.

Chia: The Ord Valley's new super crop By Matt Brann from Kununurra , WA (ABC, Wednesday, 17/09/2008)
From humble trials a few years ago the Ord Valley in Western Australia's far north has now become the largest producer of chia in the world.
The crop originates from Mexico, looks like lavender and produces an oil seed which is rich in omega 3.
Around 750 hectares of chia was grown in the Ord this year and the majority of the seed will be exported to the US.


Chiatah @ globalinkinvestment

Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements & Gluten
Chiatah is wholefood packed with wide range of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, in particular:

• Calcium - ensures strong bones and teeth as well as the proper functioning of neuromuscular and cardiac function.

• Iron - is a component of a number of proteins, most importantly haemoglobin which transports oxygen to tissues throughout the body, in particular from the lungs to the muscles and other organs.

• Magnesium - aids in the body's absorption of calcium and also plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth. Magnesium is also vital for maintaining a healthy heart by stabilising heart rhythm and helping prevent abnormal blood clotting.

• Phosphorus - supplies the body with phosphate, and phosphate is a main component of bone structure. Phosphorus is necessary to maximise the benefits of calcium and can also help maintain the health of the kidneys and regulate fluid levels in the body.

• Potassium - helps to regulate blood pressure, to keep the right balance of water in fat and muscle tissues and ensures the proper functioning of cells.

Chiatah is gluten free. Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley. Some people cannot tolerate gluten when it comes in contact with the small intestine in a condition known as celiac disease.

Chia, The Superfood for Modern Times - Chia Seeds Benefits
Adding 3 Teaspoons Per Day* To Your Daily Food Intake Is All You Need to Enjoy The Benefits of Chia: (*based on normal Body Mass Index)

* Get the highest levels of plant-sourced Omega-3: Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). ALA is found mostly in seeds, vegetable oils, and leafy green vegetables. It is converted into EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and then into DHA (Docosahexanoic Acid) in your body. Not all people can efficiently convert ALA into EPA and DHA, but ALA by itself provides a host of benefits. (For more information on ALA, click here.)

* Multiply antioxidant activity in your body. Powerful antioxidants from chia seeds work against free radicals that damage millions of our cells by the minute. (For more information on chia's antioxidants, click here.)

* Provide your food with all-natural, nutritious dietary fibre (some fibre have minimal nutrition and can interfere with mineral absorption in the gut). A natural, high quality fibre can support weight maintenance goals, and could reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and diabetes.

* Obtain a plant-based complete protein with an amino-acid score of 115%. (Read about the benefits of chia's amino-acids here.)

* Provide your diet with a thermogenic aid which boosts your metabolic rate. A thermogenic aid causes your body to produce more than the normal amount of energy, and so burns more calories. (Read it here.)

* Provide your diet with favorable Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio (3:1). Currently, most foods found in supermarkets today have ratios of 1:15-30 which increases the risk of inflammation. (Read why you should care about this here.)

Have a good amount of functional food in your daily diet.

Chia Seeds by David Mendosa onThursday, December 13, 2007

What is Chia?

Chia is Nature's Complete Superfood.
Chia is the highest plant based source of Omega 3, dietary fibre and protein.
Chia is a great tasting seed that is easy to include in the daily diet for improved health.
Chia seeds were first used as food as early as 3500 BC and were one of the main dietary components of the Aztecs and the Mayans.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Waterfalls in Springbrook National Park

We went to the Springbrook National Park on Dec. 30 & 31, 2010 and also Jan. 2, 2011. In the beginning, we only wanted to visit there one day, i.e. Dec. 30, 2010, and visited other national parks for the rest of holidays. So we have tried to visit as many waterfalls we could reach as possible in one day. We decided to walk both Purling Brook circuit (Dec. 31, 2010) and Warrie circuit (Jan. 2, 2011) when we found that the tracks of Lamington National Park are still closed due to flood and the central and west Queensland is also under flood.

It took less than 2 hours to walk the 4km Purling Brook circuit. It is fantastic to walk behind Purling Brook waterfalls and watch it pouring down from sky high. I believed that we brought at least one leech back to Brisbane from this circuit, because I got one sticking on my leg right after getting on our car in Jan. 1, 2011 afternoon. So disgusting.

It is another story for Warrie circuit. It is a 5-hours 17km difficult track, but we saw Blackfellow Falls, Poondahra Falls, Poonyahra Falls, Meeting of the Waters, Gooroolba Falls, Ngarri-dhum Falls, Kadjagooma Falls, Goomoolahra Falls, Rainbow Falls, Tamarramai Falls and the top of Twin Falls this day. Most of them are great, but my legs are so tired and we both got leeches stuck on our pants and shoes. It makes me feel awful. I hope that people can find a way to repel leech when doing bush walking.

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