Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Farmland should be used for agriculture

Farmland should be used for agriculture, but this is not the case in Taiwan.

According to law, the farmland factories built after 5/20/2016 should be demolished. This must be done, and there should be no room for accommodation.  Those farmland factories are not qualified to exist even for the ones built before 5/20/2016. The original purpose of farmland is farming, and even the construction of farmhouses is restricted. How could we tolerate the entire farmland being destroyed and turned into a factory?



根據我們的島(8/22/2022)的報導,理論上:"根據立法院新修訂的工廠管理辦法,5/20/2016 以後興建的農地工廠,依法必須拆除,無法申請納管"

農地工廠下一步|《工輔法》修法後的違章工廠為何還在 (公視-我們的島,8/22/2022)

00:00 片頭 
00:20 前言 
00:46 彰化鹽埔的案例 
03:32 彰化農地違法工廠持續新設 
08:33 《工輔法》修法後,違法工廠申請納管及改善情形 
10:45 政府劃設水五金產業聚落,引發低污染工廠就地合法爭議 
13:51 中小型違章工廠盼政府協助媒合,進入合法工業區 


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Sunday, August 7, 2022

James Lovelock and his Gaia hypothesis

Gaia hypothesis is a hypothesis that every environmentalist has known and remembered in our heart.  Below are the remarks about James Lovelock by the Nature and The Guardian Science Weekly.

James E. Lovelock (1919–2022) 
Inventor who introduced the Gaia hypothesis to environmental science.

James Lovelock and the legacy of his Gaia hypothesis – podcast
The following description is from The Guardian Science Weekly:
James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis, died last Tuesday (7/26/2022) on his 103rd birthday. Known as something of a maverick, the scientist and inventor was one of the most influential thinkers of the past century. Our global environment editor, Jonathan Watts, tells Madeleine Finlay about spending time with Lovelock for his forthcoming biography, the impact of the scientist’s ideas and inventions on the modern world, and how his immense influence will continue to be felt in the critical decades ahead

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Taiwan for Taiwanese, China for Chinese. We are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The taste of freedom



US speaker makes late-night landing (Aug. 3, 2022)

China and Taiwan: A really simple guide (8/2/2022)

Freedom love!
I need these two.
I will sacrifice for my love
The life,
I sacrifice for freedom
My love.

Petőfi Sándor -


Szabadság, szerelem!
E kettő kell nekem.
Szerelmemért föláldozom
Az életet,
Szabadságért föláldozom

(Pest, 1847. január 1.)

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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Smelly highrise building




When I came back to my home on the top floor of the highrise building after work last night, I open the window as usual. The balcony window will be equipped with an exhaust fan to draw out the hot air faster, and the room window will let the outdoor air flow in.

After opening for less than half an hour, the nasty smell of oily smoke came in from the window of the room, so I had to close the window of the room. At this time, the smell of cooking fumes will still float in from the cooker hood in the kitchen. I want to say that the exhaust fan on the balcony should be reversed to draw the outdoor air in, but the smell of smoke will be smelled again.

We are forced to close the windows on both sides, I had to turn on the air conditioner, otherwise, it would be very hot.  It has happened almost everyday, not just last night.  I want to save energy and live environmentally friendly, but the reality makes me unable to do so.

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