Sunday, August 7, 2022

James Lovelock and his Gaia hypothesis

Gaia hypothesis is a hypothesis that every environmentalist has known and remembered in our heart.  Below are the remarks about James Lovelock by the Nature and The Guardian Science Weekly.

James E. Lovelock (1919–2022) 
Inventor who introduced the Gaia hypothesis to environmental science.

James Lovelock and the legacy of his Gaia hypothesis – podcast
The following description is from The Guardian Science Weekly:
James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis, died last Tuesday (7/26/2022) on his 103rd birthday. Known as something of a maverick, the scientist and inventor was one of the most influential thinkers of the past century. Our global environment editor, Jonathan Watts, tells Madeleine Finlay about spending time with Lovelock for his forthcoming biography, the impact of the scientist’s ideas and inventions on the modern world, and how his immense influence will continue to be felt in the critical decades ahead

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