Saturday, October 29, 2022

住戶大會決議公共空間淨空(Residents' meeting resolves public space clearance)



It was voted and decided to clear the public space in the resident meeting of the building. Any stuff / debris placed in the stairwell and aisle will be moved to the 1F atrium for temporary storage, and a notice will be posted for residents to claim. It can be claimed within a week by the resident with record. It must be kept in the household of the household after claiming. If it is piled up in the public space again, it will be handed over to the relevant gov agency to impose a fine. If it is not claimed within a week, it will be treated as waste.

This is a historic moment that deserves a good celebration

1 comment:

Panay said...

Unfortunately, the regulations passed by the residents' meeting have not been implemented as of today (3/21/2024). A bunch of bad residents will still pile their personal rubbish in public spaces and block escape routes.
