Monday, December 27, 2010

Well-done Beef Steak

I know that most people eat medium-rare to medium-well beef steak, but I like to eat well-done or at least medium-well one. It is not easy to find a well done recipe. I found 4 possible ones. The first one starts with higher temp (400 oF (204 oC)) for 20 min, then lower temp (325 oF (163 oC)) for >= 1 hour. The second one suggests to gradually increase temp to 300 oF (149 oC) for total 90-110 min. The third one suggests 250 oF (121 oC) for 3-3.5 hours. The fourth one suggest 370 oF (188 oC) for 2 hours.

Dec 27, 2010: We are trying the first one, but only cure beef meat in our ingredients for 2 hours before oven baked. The ingredients we used are soy sauce + wine + mixed herbs + honey + black pepper. We put the beef meat in aluminum foil, add 5-6 TBSP ingredient mixture, wrapped it, then 400 oF (204 oC) 20 min and 325 oF (162 oC) 1 hour. Yes, it is well done. We think it tastes good and juicy, but it is still a little bit dry for the part without any fat.

Rare 一兩成熟
Medium Rare 三四成熟
Medium 五成熟
Medium Well 七八成熟
Well done全熟

1. 台塑牛排 (2007/02/14 15:26)


2. 正宗台塑牛排做法大公開 全熟牛排汁多肉嫩


3. 我的台塑牛排初嘗試
材料: 牛仔骨(需向中國超市預先order,請肉販不要橫切,順骨切,厚度約10cm)
(1). 紅酒(Dry,一瓶10 元以下即可)
(2). 醬油(用台灣產的,介於老抽與生抽之間,顏色會比較漂亮)
(3). 大蒜(若要蒜味重些,可剁碎,很重要可多加些)
(4). 黑胡椒粉(很重要可多加些)
(5). 吃辣者可加花椒及辣椒
(6). 糖

做法: 1. 將牛仔骨浸泡於醃料中約5 分鐘即可放於烤盤,並把醃料倒在牛仔骨上
2. 烤箱預熱250℉,約烤3~3.5 小時(每隔半小時要翻面淋汁)即可


食後感想:好像有點小鹹,我醬油跟生抽的比例需要調整一下,另外我覺得下次加一點甘草跟味霖,讓醬油+味霖跟紅酒比例呈現1:1 應該會不錯,

4. Oven baked steak is very tasty and easy to prepare. You need only oven, fresh steak and spices. Oven baked steak will delight all of your guests.
So, You will need these ingredients:
3 fresh steak
3 cloves minced garlic
1 red pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon butter
2-3 cups of pure water
salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 370 degrees. Add butter and stir until melted. Add all ingredients in a pan and cover with a lid. Steak Bake in oven at 370 degrees Fahrenheit for about 2 hours, until steaks are tender.

5. Nice juicy steak recipes please
I don't often eat steak, and will only eat it if I cook it...I am so fussy with cooking steak, I don't like it burnt, it must be well done, juicy/tender with lots of flavour...don't ask much hey? LOL

My method isn't the everyday, usual way to cook it, but I love it & it tastes good to me LOL

I get a large peice of alfoil, large enough now to wrap the steak in like a pocket.

The fillings etc are to your taste likings, experiment a little :)

I spread some garlic herb butter on both sides of the steak & put in centre of alfoil.

Then I top it up with thin sliced, zucchini, onion, tomato etc...add some salt, pepper, chilli etc whatever you fancy :)

Then fold the alfoil up over steak & toppings leave a little room & fold down etc so it is in a loose pocket of alfoil. It's usually a good idea to make it all on the baking tray :)

I put mine in the oven for about 40 or so mins (thickness depending of steak), it cooks in the flavours of the toppings, herbs etc & its own steak mouth watering & tender unless you over cook it. This is for well done and a steak thickness about 1-1.5cm, in an oven on 180C (non fan).

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