Monday, January 12, 2009

Wash and Wax

After driving several hundreds Km and camping in National parks, our baby Colt was covered with many dead bugs, dirt, and tree tars. It is time to clean it up.

We bought 6 pieces of microfiber towels in K-Mart on Jan 4, 2009, 1 bottle of Polyglaz Bug & Tar Remover and 1 bottle of Turtlemax Polish Ice in Jan 8, 2009 evening in Super Cheap Auto. We were lazy on Saturday and did not do anything. The temperature and weather was nice yesterday (Jan 11, 2009), so we decided to return the beauty to our Colt.

We used dish detergent to wash several times to remove most dirt and dead bugs, but detergent is useless to those tars. We used dry towel to dry up the surface and then it is time with Bug & Tar Remover. Most small tars are easy, they only required to apply it once or twice. But there was one spot was really big, it was about 3 cm diameter and 1 - 2 mm thick. Sigh! We have spent about 40 - 60 minutes and applied about 40 - 50 times. Finally it was removed, but we could see that there is some marks left on the surface which suggested that this tar spot might come from 2 drops from the tree at that night. My husband polished the car twice while I was struggle with that huge tree tar. After 3 hours hard working, our Colt is shinning now.

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