Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Hatta Dam of Taiwan

I read today's news on the Liberty Time. There is an article (嘉南大圳之母/蔡崔源算盤配水 完成八田志業) talking about how Mr. Tsai continued Mr. Hatta Yoichi's Chianan Irrigation Waterwork and the Wushantou Reservoir (Hatta Dam), Tainan, TAIWAN. This Chiana Irrigation Waterwork has transformed the Chianan Plain from a drought and barren wasteland to fertile farmland. Many Taiwanese admire them and honor that Mr. Hatta Yoichi as the Father of the Chiana Irrigation and Mr. Tsai as the Mother of the Chiana Irrigation.

推動烏山頭水利系統登錄世界遺產 (Promote and endorse "The Hatta Dam of Taiwan" as World Heritage)

Some articles (八田外代樹像の建立 永い時を経て、なお美しい愛の物語,八田与一記念館および国際水利研究センター建設のよびかけ,嘉南大圳應登錄世界文化遺產) on this blog: 推動烏山頭水利系統登錄世界遺產. I don't know Japanese language, but I think this should still be a good reference site.

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