Saturday, September 10, 2011

Taiwanese Mung Bean Cake

Next Monday (Sep 12, 2011) is Moon Festival Holiday. Taiwanese Mung Bean Cake (綠豆椪,綠豆凸) is one of my favorite desert for this holiday. I am not sure why I wanted to eat desert so much today, but I was thinking about Chocolate Bavarian Cheesecake originally. Anyway it ends up making Taiwanese Mung Bean Cake. Here is the recipe and how we made it. It is pure vegetarian style using extra virgin olive oil to replace lard (pork fat) and butter. I add much less sugar because I don't like super sweet desert.

(1) Prepare vegetarian mung bean filling (素綠豆餡)
375g washed Mung bean (with skin, 帶殼綠豆) + 750g water in inner pot (內鍋)
-> Soak 2 hours (浸泡 2 小時)
-> Add 1 cup water in cooker (外鍋) to steam ~20 min, then keep warm in pot another 20 min
-> Mash them and cook with low power fire 2-3 min to dry a little bit (搗成泥狀,小火加熱 2-3 分鐘使湯汁略收乾)
-> Continue cook with low power fire while adding 35g extra virgin olive oil and 130g brown sugar (拌入橄欖油及糖) until it can form a ball by hand
-> Cool down and make 30g ball each. Freeze the left over for next time.

(2) Prepare oil skin (油皮) (prepare with bread maker)
76g warm water + 150g All-purpose flour + 10g sugar + 38g extra virgin olive oil (add by this order)
-> Knead about 10 min
-> Cover with plastic wrap and rest 30-40 min @ room temperature
-> Separate to 22 balls (~12g each)

(3) Prepare pasty (油酥)
200g All-purpose flour + 70g extra virgin olive oil
-> Knead gently
-> Cover with plastic wrap and rest 30-40 min @ fridge
-> Separate to 22 balls (~12g each)

(4)Prepare oil-skin pasty dough (油皮油酥麵團)
Use rolling pin to flat oil skin (桿麵棍將油皮桿平)
-> Wrap pasty (油酥) in, flat it to elliptical shape with rolling pin, roll it up, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 15 min (將油酥包入油皮,將包好的麵團稍微壓一下橄成橢圓形薄片,光滑面在下,由短向捲起,收口朝下,蓋上保鮮膜讓麵團休息15分鐘)
-> Flat it with rolling pin again, roll up to short rod-shape, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 15 min. This is the oil-skin pasty dough(將休息好的麵團橄成長形後翻面,由短向捲起,蓋上保鮮膜讓麵團休息15分鐘)
-> Use thumb to push the middle of this dough down and push two ends toward middle, then push this dough flat (休息完成的油皮油酥麵團收口朝上,用大姆指從中間壓下,2端往中間折起捏一下,將麵團壓扁)
-> Flat the dough with rolling pin and put ~30g filling in middle(將麵團橄成直徑約10-12cm 圓形薄片,光滑面在外,中間放上適當內餡)
-> Wrap and seal it, then put it upside down (利用虎口將麵團收口朝內捏緊,成為一個圓形即可,收口朝下)
-> 170 oC 10 min, then 150 oC 15 min (or 165-185 oC 15-20 min or 160 oC 30 min)

祝大家中秋節快樂! 綠豆沙餅(可素食)

簡易【綠豆沙餡DIY】 (with dairy product)

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