Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Swarm

Friend told me about this novel, the Swarm. It is not a new idea that human being is the tumor/cancer cell of this earth or a roach/bug/parasite to the earth. When earth Gaia gets tired of our interference and bugging, Gaia can shake us away just like we kill those bacteria or bugs in our house. Enjoy the reading. This novel sends out the similar message as those Discovery programs and the movie "the day after tomorrow". I am just wondering if people will really change to save themselves. By the way, I do agree that environmental protection and nature conservation are for human's sake. Life will find their way with or without human.

【閱讀】群~der Schwarm/The swarm

In wiki, it said that the Swarm may refer to:

* The Swarm (film), a 1978 disaster film about killer bees that attack in giant swarms
* The Swarm" (Voyager episode), an episode of Star Trek: Voyager
* The Swarm (novel), a 2004 best-selling science fiction novel by Frank Schätzing
* Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm, the 8th book in the Galaxy of Fear series by John Whitman set in the Star Wars galaxy.

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