Sunday, December 13, 2009

Temperature of Air Conditioner

I just saw an ad on channel 10 which tries to convince people to save energy during daily life. Turn power off but not leave it as standby is one good point, but keep the AC temperature at 24 oC is a little bit off. Combining with fan, a 28 oC AC will be very comfortable, why set it to 24? I am wondering maybe people set it too much lower than 24 oC, then the ad is just trying to ask people to change to the level they can tolerate.

Today is hot, the temperature in my granny flat was 33 oC. I did not turn the AC on and only used fan to live through it. We don't turn AC on unless both inside and outside is over 30 oC. We also don't turn AC on when there is only one person at home. Saving earth saving energy is not just a talk, you have to do it. It means that you also need to tolerate hot in summer and cold in winter.

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