Saturday, January 9, 2010

Some Chicken Wing Dishes

Because our stove has been broken for 1 week, it is a little bit difficult to cook noodle and many our regular dishes. We have a small oven, a small microwave, a rice cooker, and a steamer. Here are some chicken wing dishes without using stove.

(1) Bake black pepper chicken wings
Season chicken wings with "(garlic) salt + black pepper powder" in fridge overnight
-> Coat chicken wings with "cornstarch + flour" (ps. shake in plastic bag or pyrex container)
-> Bake 325 oF (162-163 oC) for ~1.5 hour or until golden brown and crisp as you want

(2) Bake garlic chicken wings
Season chicken wings with "garlic + black pepper + ginger + soy sauce + cooking wine" for >10 minutes
-> Wrap whole thing (chicken wings and sauces) with Aluminium foil
-> Bake 350 oF (176-180 oC) for 20-25 minutes or until well done

(3) New Orland spice chicken wings
帶腿雞翅 8個
中筋麵粉 1杯
黑胡椒、鹽 適量
白醋 1~2大匙
奶油或橄欖油 3小匙
Tabasco 適量
番茄醬 1罐
雞高湯 200㏄

1. 將帶腿雞翅的雞翅與雞腿部分分開。
2. 混合麵粉、大蒜泥、黑胡椒、鹽,均勻抹到雞翅及小雞腿上,按摩數分鐘,放入保鮮盒中醃製半天。
3. 烤箱預熱170℃,鋁箔紙舖於烤盤上,抹點油。取出醃好的雞翅與小雞腿,排在烤盤上,烤30分鐘(依雞翅大小而定),烤至全熟。
5. 再放入170℃烤箱烤5分鐘即可。

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