Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Humid and rain

I thought that Australia is as dry as US before I came. But I am wrong.

We had a humidifier in our home at MD, USA. Maryland is humid when you compare it to many other states in US. In Queensland, I am thinking to buy a de-humidifier because it is so humid at home. Several persons told me that it is like living in a steamer in here in summer. Sigh!

My labmate told me last Friday that the level of water dam around here was 16% in last year and 40% currently. Wa! I am wondering if I am in Australia. There have been raining so many days since I came here in July.

The worst day is today. We saw thunder and flash on our way home by bus. It started to rain a little bit and became heavy rain right after we got off the bus. Well, we got home completely wet from top to bottom. The rain was freezing cold and it was so big that I almost couldn't open my eyes. The road side was flood and looked like a small river, so we have to step into the water and some residues floating in it. It is not fun to be wet completely and has no way to dry everything at home.

I remember when I traveled to Salt Lake city, Utah, I was sightseeing in thunderstorm and heavy rain. It happened again when I visited LA. There were heavy rain for several days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is heavy rain and thunderstorm in Brisbane now. Maybe the water level in nearby water dam will reach 50% soon.